Graduation :)

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"I hate the color pink." I said as my mom was fixing my hair.

"You look so beautiful, Mija." She said, as she shed some tears.

"Mom, don't cry." I said, grabbing her shoulders.

"I can't. My daughter is graduating." She said, as she grabbed a napkin and was cleaning her tears.

I looked myself in the mirror and I stare at myself, this is the first time I'm fully wearing my graduation cap and gown. I tried not to cry.

Andi stood next to me with her cap and gown, "We're graduating!" She said, excitedly, hugging me tightly.

I heard a click and I see my dad taking a picture of us, "My little girl is growing up." He said, trying not to break down.

"Dad." I said, hugging him. "I promise to not to cry. But I can't." He said, exaggerating.

"Okay, dad. That's enough." I said, letting go.

"Your alien friends will be proud of you." My dad whispered to me. I closed my eyes. It still hurts knowing that my proxies are gone.

He sniffles but he control himself. "Before you go with your friends I want to talk to the three of you." He said, seriously.

I nodded and we all walked to our living room. My brothers were already sitting there and I went to sit down in the middle.

"So what do we have to talk about? I'm kinda missing the most important day of my life." I said, pointing at my cap.

Then out of nowhere, out professor from our wizard world, Professor Crumbs, popped out of nowhere.

"Professor Crumbs?" Justin asked.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, in shocked as well.

"I'm here to announce that your Wizard Competition will begin in three days." Professor Crumbs said.


"What!?" My brothers and I exclaimed, getting out from our couch.

"Yes. You three are ready. You all have save the world on occasion reasons and I see what you three have challenged yourself during the difficult times. Your father taught you well." Professor Crumbs said, "One of you will be the family wizard."

This put a lot of pressure on all of us. On me. I want to be the family wizard so badly, but I know I'm not going to win. Justin studies ten times more and he's very skilled with his magic. I just recklessly do my spells, without even thinking and it turns out pretty badly.

Wyatt POV:

Today is graduation day and we're standing outside of Zed's house. Well, everyone except for my pup and Andi.

I pulled out my phone and texted Alex.

Where are you pup? We here at Zed's place.

I waited for at least ten seconds before she replied,

Something happened at home. I'll just meet you guys at graduation.

I was worried.

Did something happened?

She replied.

I'll explain to you when I see you. I'm okay.

She lies all the time if she said she's okay. What happened at home?

Zed finally came out and walked downstairs to meet us, "Well, well, well. If it isn't our robot zombie valedictorian. So much for overthrowing the system." Zed tells Eliza.

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