Bonus Chapter: On My Own

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Chase and Jack and I were in my dorm room, talking about my surprise for Wyatt, eventually Willa and Wynter came in, in shocked to see me.

"What are you still doing here?" Willa asked me.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Talking to Chase and Jack about the surprise I have for your brother. Why? What's wrong?" I asked.

"Wyatt's interview started a while ago and we thought you were there with him." Little wolf said to me.


"No. It doesn't start till-" I went to my computer to see the time. Oh shit! I'm late!

"No! I have to go!" I panicked, pushing Chase and Jack to the side.

I grabbed my keys and put in Butchy's leather jacket and went outside, not caring that drops of water started to pour in my face.

I went inside and straight up speeding to the building where he was having his interview/meeting.

I parked close to the building and saw Wyatt, already talking to the important lady and other students already going home. Please don't tell me I missed it...

I got out of the car, and was walking, not caring about the rain.

"Thank you so much for talking to me." Wyatt said, talking to the lady.

She smiled at him, "A pleasure. It was great meeting you, Wyatt. I hope you'll stay with this career, I can see great potential with you." She said, before walking away to talk another student.

He was smiling big and I'm happy that it went well.

"Wyatt?" I asked, softly. Once he saw me, his smile faded. Clearly he was pissed.

"Alex, it's already over. Where were you?" Wyatt asked me.

He was walking down, and passed me up. I groan and started to follow him.

"You know, you could've at least shot me a text." I tell him. I shouldn't have said that. It will make me look like an asshole.

"I did. Twelve." Wyatt said, getting annoyed.

"No, you didn't." I said.

"Yeah, check your phone." He tells me.

"What?" I said, pulling my phone.

Meeting starts in five minutes.


One minute. Where are you, pup?

She's here! Where you at?

"Oh." I said. Oopsies.

"Is it too much for you to take one thing seriously?" Wyatt asked me.

I was in shocked, "At least I take us seriously." I snapped.

"What? I take us seriously. You were 45 minutes late. What were you doing? Did you just forget?" Wyatt asked me.

"I was... it was nothing." I can't tell him the surprise. Especially right now since he's mad at me.

"Nothing?" Wyatt repeated my words.

"Something. I don't wanna talk about it." I said, making him groan in annoyance. I can already feel that he's frustrated and I'm the one causing it.

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