Bonus Chapter: Best Summer Ever

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(Warning: a little smut on the very end of this chapter.)

Alex's POV:

It's officially the last day of summer before we head to college!

Yes, I decided to stay with my friends and do my dancing and singing career over there.

It's also been two months since I became the Family Wizard and the Chosen One. It's been two months since Justin became the Head Professor at Whiztech and it's now over there in our realm, along side with A-li and A-lan.

A-spen decided to stay since they wants to be closer with their girlfriend, yes, I said girlfriend, Willa.

Our last day, we basically decided to be with our significant others, Zed with Addison, Eliza with Andi, Willa with A-spen, Bonzo with Bree and Wyatt with me. My Little Wolf hasn't found anyone yet, but she isn't losing hope. I know one day she will find her meant to be.

It was now nighttime and Wyatt blindfolded me and since I can feel the sand on my feet, I could tell we were on the beach. What does he have planned out this time?

"Are we there, yet?" I asked Wyatt, who had his hand on my shoulders, guiding me very slowly and carefully.

"Almost." Wyatt laughs.

"Wait, we're not doing that blindfolded surfing thing again, are we? 'Cause that didn't exactly end up being one of your better ideas." I teased him.

I could feel Wyatt moving in front of me, "First of all, that buoy had no business being there. Second of all, no, we're not going surfing." I felt his hot breath close to my ear, "At least not yet."

"Stop doing that to me. Every time you whisper in my ear is literally a fucking turn on." I tell him.

"Can't help myself, you're just irresistible." Wyatt said. God, I need to fuck him right now.

We were still walking, "Okay. Do you recognize it?"

Umm.... "No."

"No?" Wyatt asked me.

"Unless it's the grassy clearing in dolphin's cove, right by the lifeguard tower, which happens to be the exact spot where we had our first real date for almost two years ago." I smiled, spinning around and still wearing the blindfold. (I don't know really the timeline from Zombies 2/3 so yeah let's say it's been two years)

"Close to the beginning of what's turned out to be the most important summer of my life." He started to take the blindfold off of me, "That and the part when we got trapped in a 1960s beach movie." I laughed.

I really do miss them. I still have the necklace that Lela gave to me and the leather jacket from Butchy.

I then spin to see the beautiful setting that he probably decorated. It was almost like our first real date, but instead a table in the middle, it was two chairs, the cooler being in the middle and a movie projector with the projection.

"Wyatt, it's beautiful." I said, awestruck. I had the most amazing boyfriend in the whole wide world.

"I had to do something cool before we head off to college." Wyatt said, before guiding us to the chairs, "Do you remember the first time we ever met?" He asked.

I nodded, "Of course. It all happened when I was trying to help Zed with his Prawn-posal and the cheerleaders bus hit him, sending them to the forbidden forest." I started, going to sit down on the chair.

"And then you were searching for Addison and Zed, when all of the sudden we wolves were surrounding you." Wyatt said, going to sit on the chair next to me.

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