Bonus Chapter: Gotta Be Me

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After doing my makeup and curling my hair, I out in my red dress and headed to the party, which was at some banquet hall near the beach. (No mask and gloves involved btw)

When I came in, a slow song was being played and I was hanging with Jack. We were goofing around until Jack saw something behind me. He was smirking and I wanted to know why.

I turned around to see Chase am dancing with Wynter. Aw, that's so cute! I was rooting for Butchy and Wynter, since they have a lot of things in common, but I know it wouldn't work out since he belongs in Wet Side Story. But Chase and Wynter? I can totally see that coming.

"I knew he had it in him." Jack said.

"And she finally found her meant to be." I said.

I turned to see my friends, talking and having fun at their first freshman party. When Wyatt and I made contact, our smile faded and just stare at each other.

I'm pretty sure Jack notice it because he started to talk to me, "You know, college parties aren't usually my scene, but this fruit punch is actually pretty nectar." He said, giving me a cup.

I smiled and I thanked him for the cup.

"You all right, Alex?" Jack asked me, as a friend.

"Yeah, I'm good." I said, but clearly I'm not a good liar when it comes to my friends.

"Guessing things aren't totally simpatico with your little werewolf?" Jack asked me.

"Yeah." I said, frowning a little, "Things are a little not simpatico. I'm wondering how I can make things not not simpatico, you know? I screw up the things that I'm happy with." I said to him.

"Beats me, bro. But I'm pretty sure it doesn't involve standing in a corner and bumming oneself out. Talk to him. I see that he misses you." Jack said, grabbing my shoulder.

I nodded my head, "I just want our little feud to stop."

"It will die down. Now, will you excuse me, I'm going to dance with my date, Kim." He smiles before he walked away.

Suddenly like I was back in a movie, I heard a surf rock playing. I turned to see the doors opening and it was... Lela and the rest of the crew!

I see my friends in shocked to see everyone here and literally the rest of the people as well since they were in their bikers and surfers outfits.

Tanner was last to show up with the scooter. Reminded me the time where the bikers and I made an entrance at Big Mama's.

He took off his helmet and gave it to a surfer guy and walked straight to Wyatt, who was now walking to them.

He pointed at him, "You." I started to walk closer to them, trying to hear what they're saying.

"Tanner, what are you doing here? A... are you crazy? The movie's vanishing. You're all in danger." Wyatt tells them.

Lela was not next to Tanner, "We're here for you, Wyatt."

Wyatt was in shocked, "For... for me?"

"You and Alex. It was Tanner's idea." Lela smiles at Tanner. I love gushing about them. They're so perfectly well for each other.

"The way I see it is it's not right that things aren't right with you two. So we came to help make things right. Er, help you make things right." Tanner explains.

They came back for us? Because they feel we're not connecting right now? This is honestly the sweetest things they have done for us.

"Right?" Tanner asked Lela, for an approval.

A Year Without Rain | Wyatt Lykensen Where stories live. Discover now