He Had it Coming

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I like playing with fire, the pretty flames flickering glowing red, orange yellow and a tint of blue, and the way it burns on a humans flesh...it captured me. I only ever thought of burning things like dolls, trash and other things but it wasn't until she brought him home I started to think about the human body being brunt and black. I was going to kill him. He put my mother and I through hell, countless times I've ended up in casualty because of him. Well no more. In about half an hour I'm going to kill him.

I decided that I was going to do it weeks ago but other events unfolded which caused a delay in my plans however my friend Poppy had called me the other day and asked me if I wanted to have a sleepover at her place and that sprung up the opportunity to kill him. I was going to burn the house down with him inside. I spent the full night planning everything and going over it all making sure that nothing was wrong and that nothing was going to cause me a problem but it was perfect. I'm nervous but very excited, this is something that I've dreamed about and now I'm so close to it, it's tingling throughout my body, my first ever kill. Was I ever going to kill again after this? Ever since I was little I day dreamed about torture and stuff which is why I was teased by other children and adults, very pathetic. If this goes well then yes, maybe I will, I'll destroy every single abusive husband, step dad and boyfriend that I'll come across; they don't deserve to walk on this Earth.

Everything is set out, in my large black bag I've put in all my important things, clothes, money, notebooks etc. also I added in a few of my mother's stuff like jewellery passed down through the family, I walked out of the front door and sat the bag next to the car but not too close just in case because if the fire spread out it might cause the car to explode. My mum's boyfriend was in the living room watching the football, he was in a bad mood because earlier he had watched the England and Germany game and of course Germany had won (hey I'm Scottish I've been taught to hate England) I went back into my room and from underneath my bed I pulled out my equipment, my sharp blades, ropes, hand cuffs, needle with a liquid swimming in it, OK now is the time, there's no turning back.

The door to the living room was wide open as I stalked silently towards my prey, he took gulps from his can of beer I waited until he took one more then as quickly as I could I jammed the needle into his neck, I hoped that because he was drinking it I might of choked him a little, he spat out the drink in his mouth and slumped into the chair and his eyes slowly shut. Step one completed. I wasn't sure how long it would be until he woke up so I hopped right to and tied him tightly to the chair then placed the hand cuffs around his hands just in case he managed to wriggle out his hands wouldn't be free. I placed my beautiful weapons on the sofa next to me and chose carefully which knife I would use first, the big knife for deep wounds and the smaller knife for torture...hmm I might even take one of his eye balls out. He groaned as his head dropped forward his eyes glanced at me then he looked down his body then finally looked back up at me.

"Amber? What the fuck is going on?" his voice rasped.

I circled around him slowly not showing any emotion on my face "Well Jimmy, it's gotten to the point that I can't fucking stand you anymore so I've decided that I want you out of my life and I've came up with the perfect solution...I'm gonna kill you"

I picked up my large knife and walked towards him. He look terrified and it made my heart beat fast, it was like I took a drug and I was getting so high it looked like I was never coming down.

"Wh..what? No...You can't...what have I ever done to you?" he stammered. I caressed the knife along his shoulder before slashing it across his left shoulder. His screams of pain filled my ears like sweet music and it was a magnificent sight, I watched the blood spray out the cut and spatter on the walls and ceiling, it looked so pretty spreading out into patterns.

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