The Beast and the Harlot

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Edward had been patiently watching them for two hours waiting for the girl he would choose to interrogate and to have pleasure with, so far, many of the girls he had selected before hadn’t satisfied him or had the information he was looking for. But tonight he felt lucky. The girls he was peering at through his tinted windows all wore short skirts, tops two sizes too small for them which showed off their breasts and slim figure, they also wore net tights that were ripped in certain places and little jewellery. To Edward they were horrible scum; Edward couldn’t understand why men paid for filth like them. He would watch cars go by and see the window rolling down then the door opening and one of the prostitutes getting inside and then finally the car speeding off into the dark. These girls couldn’t care less; all they thought about was money and that money just went into their drug habits or alcohol and it was all too easy for him, Edward had done this so many times and he was getting tired of the same routine, he sometimes wished it was harder and more enjoyable but on the other hand if it was he wouldn’t be getting any closer to what he wanted.

Edward looked at his watch, half eleven, he studied each girl as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it; he placed it on the tip of his lips and sucked in the toxic fumes and then exhaled them into the air, he always had one before doing a job like this. An hour went by making it almost half twelve and he was about to give up when his eye's settled on a woman who had just walked out of the shadows and into the lamp light, she leant against the wall tossing her dirty blonde hair behind her ear and checking her mobile before slipping it into her fake fur bag. Studying her carefully he could tell that this woman was older than thirty-five, her face was coated in make-up as if she was trying her hardest to look young. It just made her look worse.

Her. He wanted her. She was the one he would want tonight.

He threw the cigarette out of the window of the car and he started the silent engine and slowly drove towards the woman. Like the car was a magnet, the woman had instantly began to walk over to him, she smiled and walked in a fashion she thought was sexy and Edward chuckled at how pathetic she was, he rolled the window down more and she leaned in her breasts dangling as she started to speak.

"Hey baby you lookin' for a good time?" she asked smiling with her not-so-dazzling-white teeth, Edward didn't say anything he gave her a quick look and nodded his head slowly and the old prostitute opened the door and climbed inside. Edward revved the engine and drove off just as she shut the door. He was taking her to his estate which lay a couple of miles away from the town, it was always silent there and private, the perfect place for someone like him.

"What's your name hun?" she asked

"Edward Cairns" he said blandly. The hooker started to ask him other questions but Edward hardly answered, his mind kept on thinking about his past and the events up to this point, he was going through every little idea of what he was going to do once they got to their destination. Edward was an only child and adopted, yet even though he had foster siblings it was always just him, he didn't know his father or mother, the only thing he knew was his mother’s name, Elizabeth Sailor, she was a hooker who at birth gave him up so she could run off with a rich snob but he had heard from the cities rats that she was back after being dumped by him. He wanted to know why she had chosen her lover over him. Why had she refused her own flesh and blood? Did she care? Who was his real father? But the thing he wanted the most was revenge, he'd been living in Hell for the whole of his life, he ended up with a horrible foster family who didn't actually care at all about him, they only adopted him to show off that they were ‘good people’ to their friends and family. But Edward had already dealt with them. He knew for a long time he was going to hunt and kill down his mother, she deserved everything he was going to do to her. He didn’t give a damn about his father, he knew that he’d either be married with children he actually wanted or in a ditch somewhere drunk out of his mind, that’s the way it always went for people in his situation. Edward drove on a little faster listening to the few things the woman was asking him, her voice was high pitched and he knew she was only putting it on for show, it was beginning to get on this nerves.

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