Your Love is a Lie

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I’ve been in many relationships, some have ended in murder and others have walked away without any hassle as many of the guys I had dated were too clingy and there was only one way to get rid of them. But something new happened to me which I never expected. Don’t get me wrong but I am pretty good looking, I get told that every day by strangers who compliment my beauty so you could imagine my reaction when I found out that my boyfriend cheated on me. I had asked for the truth and he told me the next day, I broke down in tears, he blamed himself and said that he was sorry, the whole "it's not you, it's me" crap. Such a fucking idiot. I didn't want anything more to do with him and I wanted him gone from my life. And he is.

I killed him.

Bastard deserved it.

Six months we had been together, at the start of the relationship it was so perfect he made me feel amazing and made me feel loved and I loved back and no guy had ever made me feel so strongly, usually I wouldn’t take a relationship seriously but there was something about him that just made me love him more and more. In the middle stage of our relationship our conversations were quiet for really the only time we talked lots when he was feeling in the mood…and finally the end. I don’t know what had possessed me to look through his mobile but what I discovered made me so shocked I didn’t want to believe it said he wasn't cheating. I asked him straight out if he was cheating and he said no, he acted appalled like he couldn’t believe that I had asked him that. What a fucking liar. He then had the nerve to say to me next that he loved me so much…then next night he say's "you wanted the truth…and yes…I'm so sorry Alice" yeah sorry my arse!

Thinking about it still makes me angry, I'm trying to say to myself that I'm over him but I know there is still a huge part of me that is hurt that'll take so long to heal but I don’t know what makes me feel annoyed, the fact that I fell in love with him and let him into a huge part of my life or the fact that I gave too much into temptation and let love swoop me up from my feet. I thought that maybe killing him would make the pain stop and it sort of has. Every little thing reminds me of him, I've gone through my phone and deleted all the text messages from him, chat logs on MSN, pictures everything. But still deleting all of them didn't help one bit but I had a last resort. I killed before, most of them have been boys who just wanted me to show off to their friends so I never cared or loved the, but this hurt me. I loved him...I loved him so much and he knew it and so he rewarded my love by cheating on me with my little sister...yeah my slut of a little sister took, no stole my boyfriend away from me! She had suffered the same fate.

It wasn't hard getting him and my little sister together in my basement, my sister wasn't the smartest girl she left all of her belongings lying about so I found her phone and text him saying he was to meet her at my house. He quickly replied "yes". Far too simple. My sister was listening to music so it was pretty easy to sneak up on her, a hard punch to the back of the head and she blacked out. My ex- boyfriend arrived half an hour later calling for my little sister, he saw me sitting in the living room and all we did was stare at each other for a long time before he asked me where my baby sister was.

"You'll be seeing her soon" I told him, my words confused him for a moment until I produced a heavy candleholder from behind my back he gave me a look of panic and began to run out of the house, but my aim unlucky for him is excellent it hit him before he reached the door. He didn't weight much, I liked skinny guys more so carrying him down into the cellar wasn't a problem my sister was awake when I returned she was sobbing a lot I guessed the ropes around her wrists hurt. Good. She asked me many questions but I ignored her, a killer who doesn’t speak is the most sinister don't you agree? She then commanded me to answer her; I took a quick glare at her and struck her face hard. She didn't speak much after that. I tied him up tightly and smiled at the work I had done so far then went back upstairs to make myself something to eat to keep my energy up; my parents wouldn't be home till later.

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