chapter 8 - jeleousy

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Josie's Pov

Coffee, I need coffee desperately this morning. How I ever functioned during my pregnancy without coffee I don't know, I don't remember. It's liquid gold, a necessity to live. It might be a tad dramatic, but I'm not always known for the subtle things in life.

I'm still a bit shaken up after Saturday and the situation at the bar between me and Joe. I was overreacting, but I couldn't help myself from reacting. That girl was all over him and it stabbed me in the heart for reasons I don't know. I'm not the jealous type, I'm not, and I don't have a claim on him either. However, it felt like she laid her hands on someone that's mine, my man. It's silly to even think that he isn't mine to have, mine to lose or mine to claim. I don't understand why he followed after me though, why he didn't stay with the pretty redhead. She wanted something more from him, he could... have sex? Ugh, I get nauseous just thinking about him being with someone else. I'm not kidding myself; he has slept with people after me, I've slept with people too, but it was never serious on my part. It was letting off some steam. But who knows, maybe he had something going on with her? She seemed familiar with him at least. It makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it, so I won't anymore. The last thing I would want is to end up throwing up in public.

When I enter the cafe, I end up behind the guy I'd seen around with Joe, I'm pretty sure his name was Oliver. Yeah, I think so. As far as I know, he is a decent guy, but I don't know him. I just figure that if he hangs around Joe he is a good guy like Joe is. "Hey, Josie," he says after grabbing his order. I didn't greet him first even though I saw him, not sure if he was interested in starting a conversation with me. It's not like I know him.

"Hi, Oliver, right?" I say and he nods. "The one and only" his lips turn into a big smile, and I can't help but smile as well. Some people radiate when they smile, and then you can't help but join it. Their energy is contagious.

"Want to grab a seat? My classes don't start for another hour, and I have time to kill" I blurt out but cringe at my own forwardness. He doesn't know me, why would he want to sit and talk with me? We aren't friends, we don't even know more than each other names and we share a common person in our life. "Sure, I don't have a class for a while either."

We grab a table together and get to talking. The safest topic is football, and I don't mind talking about it. He played a good opening game of the season; I have no problem talking about how he felt about it. He is charming but there is something about him, something mysterious that I can't put my finger on. It might be that we just don't know one another, or there is something else. My bet is on something else. You never know what's going on with someone else, what's going on in their life, and how they came to be who they are today. It's a mystery about people I love to explore and figure out. It's like a puzzle you need to first find the pieces and then put them together to form a full picture of who they are. Not everyone is easy to read though, even though I'm pretty damn good at it.

"How is your little girl? Luna" he asks and now I'm the one smiling first. Whenever someone mentions my daughter, I can't help it, she is everything to me. "She is good. The people at daycare say she is fitting right in with the other kids, and she loves spending more time with Joe as well."

It's a relief that things are going well in daycare, it makes my life easier. It means I don't need to stress about it during class or study time in the library, and I can just focus. Not to mention it's always good for kids to socialize with other kids, it builds social skills and character, both are things they will need further along in life. It's never too early to start learning social skills, It will only benefit them in the long run. Simple things like "you can't hit other kids" a two-year-old can learn without problems.

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