Family Shattered part 4 ch 22

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"Family Shattered part 4 ch 22"
At Skye/Lorenzo-Skye came home, sat down on the couch, opened her purse, pulled out Alana's journal and read the part about her time with Alistair. Skye was upset as she read it as Lorenzo came in."Skye, You look upset what is it" Lorenzo asked "I'm reading Alana's journal and the part about her experience with Alistair, She was so naive about sex," Skye said as Lorenzo sat down."Let me see it" Are you sure "Yes" Lorenzo said as Skye gave Lorenzo the journal and he read it."If Alistair wasn't dead I would kill him now "I would cover for you, I can't believe Alistair lied to her" I wish Alana wasn't that naive she is our daughter "Me too"

At The Quartermaine mansion-AJ and Elizabeth were home," Elizabeth, Do you think Josslyn should go to jail "I think Josslyn needs help, I think she is ahead towards a breakdown "It wouldn't surprise me" Me either "AJ, I don't think Josslyn would of hurt Ian and Catlin "Me either I just don't want anyone to take a child from me again "It's not like Michael "I hope not "

At Skye/Lorenzo- Skye and Lorenzo were reading Alana's journal as Lila Rae and Adam as Skye hid the journal."Lila Rae, Adam what's going on" We want to have the wedding as soon as possible "How soon" Four weeks "We have a lot to do but we can do it's, Where do we want to have it" The reception at Alan's hotel and the wedding at the church, "Lila Rae said "We booked the church "Alright, I'll book the hotel, You will have the perfect wedding, "Skye said "Thank, Daddy will you walk me down "Yes I would be honored too "Good "

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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