Family Shattered part 4 ch 47

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"Family Shattered part. 4 ch 47"
At Skye/Lorenzo- Lila Rae was getting dressed. She had picked the perfect wedding dress when Skye went into the den to find Alana."Alana! Lorenzo "Skye said as the guard came into the room.'Do you know where my husband and Alana are" Yes, that's why I came into the living room, Ms.Alana wasn't feeling well so Mr.Alcazar took her to the hospital "No, you needed to take me "Yes I will" The guard said as Lila Rae came in."What's going on" You're father took your sister to the hospital, We need to go, Lorenzo should have told me," Skye said they left.

At Ric office- Ric was feeling overwhelmed with work when Laura came into the office."Ric, Why did you need to see me" I'm feeling a little overwhelmed now that I don't have my lieutenant mayor and the governor is breathing down my neck to get Lorenzo, I was wondering if you want to be my lieutenant " You want me! You team with Lorenzo to take me down, I love this town and I miss my job" Yes, That's why I know you will be good at it, You love this town more than you hate me "Yes I do, I'll take it, the hospital job isn't for Me I had it once and didn't like it"

At General Hospital-Elizabeth was at the nursing station when Skye and Lila Rae came by."Elizabeth, Do you know anything about Alana being here "Yes Braxton hicks" Oh, Thank god" Yes she should be out soon" Elizabeth said as Alana and Lorenzo came by," Alana are you okay "I'm glad it was just Braxton hick I was worried about it "Yes, Why didn't you tell me" You were busy with Lila Rae, We didn't want to interrupt it" Oh, We found the perfect dress" Nice" Alana had to put her feet up and no stress" Well let's go home "

Family Shattered part 4Where stories live. Discover now