Family Shattered part 4 ch 59

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"Family Shattered part 4 ch 59"
At Skye/Lorenzo- Skye and Lorenzo were sitting down on the couch talking."The wedding for Lila Rae is almost finished and Elizabeth was here today painting The nursing for the twins "That's good "Yes our daughters are growing up "Unfortunately too fast" Yes" Skye said as Rae came in," Mother, You're home, Where have you been "Skye ask "I had to take care of something in Pine Valley, Is everything okay "I just wanted you to be here for the wedding "Of course I will be "I'm going to get us some tea and we can talk" Skye said and left," I know where you have been Rae, I know it's not Pine Valley "Are you spy on me" I need to know where everybody is because of my business I been keeping Track of you "So you know Althea alive! This whole time" Rae yelled "Yes! But Skye doesn't need to know she will be hurt by her" That's something we can agree on" Rae said as Skye came in with a tray of tea and treats."Is everything okay "Yes" Yes, I'll let you both talk," Lorenzo said and left.

"Skye is everything alright "Yes it's just been hard dealing with Alana's pregnancy we found out from her she wanted to get pregnant "Wow" Yes Lorenzo didn't take it well "No I'm sure he didn't, What about you "I'm upset too but what can we do" True, This pregnancy is reminding me of when I was pregnant with you, I was the same age "Yes you were "Alana is going to be okay, We all are"

Julian-Julian was at home when there was a knock on the door it was Lorenzo."I need you to do me a favor "What" It's time to take care of somebody "

Family Shattered part 4Where stories live. Discover now