Family Shattered part 4 ch 64

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"Family Shattered part 4 ch 64"
At General Hospital - Alana was delivered her twin as Skye was holding her hand and Portia and Elizabeth were helping her and Alana kept close her eyes she was getting tired."Alana, You need to push we are almost there "Portia said

In the hallway- Lorenzo was waiting with Lila Rae and Adam and Dex and Rae and AJ and Juanita."Lila Rae, I'm sorry about this" At least we got to say I do, Alana can't control it" No" Lorenzo said as Skye came by."How is Alana" Rae asked "Alana is perfect she did great, She has healthy twins one boy and one girl," Skye said "What are the names" Lila Rae asked "Alana is deciding now, Portia and Elizabeth were amazing at helping Alana" Skye said "Well I guess we should go see our grandchildren "Lorenzo said

Alana was holding the twins."I have the perfect name for both of you" Alana said as Skye Lorenzo and Lila Rae and Dex came in."Come meet Xavier Alistair and Rebecca Skye" Alana said as Rae came in."Rebecca Skye "Rae asked "Yes, Grandmother I hope it's okay with you after you told me you wanted to name Mother this I know that name had to be my daughter "I'm glad you named her Rebecca, "Rae said she kissed her granddaughter on the forehead as Elizabeth came in."We need to take the twins to the nursery room" I'll see you both soon, I love you Xavier Alistair and Rebecca Skye" Alana said "What's the last name "Barrington- Alcazar "Alana said Elizabeth took the twins.

Skye went into the hallway she was feeling overwhelmed when Althea came by."Antoinette "Althea! You're alive! I'm trying to make it to your daughter's wedding. I'm sorryImissed it! Althea said as Rae and Lorenzo came by," Skye "Lorenzo said "Rae, it's good to see you again, You must be Lorenzo Skye's husband, I would like to get to know you "Althea said "Stay away from me! I don't need you! Skye yelled

Nina was in the hallway and looked at Althea and walked by," Aunt Althea "Nina, You're awake you were in a coma for years "How do you know each other "

Family Shattered part 4Where stories live. Discover now