Family Shattered part 4 ch 63

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"Family Shattered part 4 ch 63"
At General Hospital - Steven was by the nurse station as Juanita came by," Dr.Webber, Did you call me" Yes I have some bad news about you're daughter Tea" Steven said as Skye and Lorenzo came in with Alana who was holding Elizabeth hand."Alana is having the twins, her contractions are about three minutes apart "Elizabeth said "I'll page Dr.Robinson "Steven said "Dr, Webbers, What are you going to tell me about my daughter "Tea was in a car accident she didn't make it, I'm sorry "Me too" Juanita said

Portia came by ."Dr.Robinson the twins are coming "Let's get you to a room "Dr, Robinson said "I can help, I haven't been drinking yet at the wedding "Alright let's go" Can my mother be in the room "Yes "Portia said they left.

"So Tea is gone "Yes that's unfortunate "Yes"

At Alan's hotel-Adam and Lila Rae greeted the guests as Rae came by."Lila Rae, What's going on" Alana has the twins now" Oh, We should go to the hospital "Yes I just wanted to greet everybody "

At General Hospital -Alana delivered room- Alana was feeling hot as she was going into labor and Skye was holding her hand as Elizabeth and Portia were helping the delivery."Alana, you need to push "I'm scared of this and being a mother, What if I can't do this" It's too late, I'm here for you, I love you Alana Sage" I love you too mother, I loved him so much "Alana said

In the hallway - Lorenzo was waiting on Alana with Juanita."You're not happy about the grandchildren coming "No! My seventeen-year-old daughter is having twins! She should be going to college not this! She ruined her life! Lorenzo yelled

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