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Long ago, in Ancient China, it was a sorrowful evening in Gongmen City, the royal family of the Peacock clan had just seen their young soon-to-be heir after he had committed the most heinous massacre on a village of pandas without provocation.  They demanded that he goes to exile, along with the army of wolves, not wanting to see the monster their son had become.  The wolf leader gave one request to the young prince's parents to see his nephew one last time before he leaves, to which they agree, but he has three minutes at the least.

Zan walks up to the building that is presumably Zen's parents' house in the villages of Gongmen City, the wolf leader sees his nephew's parents who of which are standing in front of the house.

They didn't seem to be pleased, they heard about what happened to the panda village, and they certainly seemed hesitant to let Zan see his nephew.  Regardless, Zan forced his way through because time really wasn't on his side, which made Zen's father mad, and caused Zan's visit to be cut short.  Both of them argued outside, much to the mother's dismay, and Zen's father told Zan to leave, now, they never want to see him around here, not ever.

Zan growls but then sighs in defeat and proceeds to walk away, not before turning to look back at the house, though.  He got to see only a mere few glimpses of who his nephew was, he could only speculate about what or who he could possibly become.  He just hopes that the cub they're taking care of doesn't turn out the same way he did, especially after what he had done in the panda village massacre.
"Goodbye, kid..."
He says to himself, with a hint of bitter sadness in his voice, before turning to walk away with his war-hammer slung onto his shoulder.  Zan, along with the young albino peacock prince and the other wolves, have began their sentence of exile.

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