Chapter 3: Pain in the Truth

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The next day came and went...

Zen hasn't come out of his room for hours, and has tear streaks down his eyes, he sniffled, as he rubbed his eyes to stay awake.  His ears perked up, when he heard the front door knock, he trudged over to the front door to open it, only to hesitate for a moment, but he grimaced and opened it anyway.  Only to see... Master Thundering Rhino right before him, which startled him a little, and he soon cleared his throat, collecting and composing himself before addressing to him.
"Master Rhino, um... what're you doing here?"
Master Thundering Rhino took note of his question, and responded to the young wolf.
Master Rhino: "Zen, I've heard about what happened.  Come with me."
Zen, seeming shocked that Rhino wants him to follow him to the tower, questions the master of the council.
"Uhhh, why?  And... and who decided this--"
Suddenly, Master Croc was behind Rhino, and chimes in to cut me off.
Croc: "Let's say that the goat filled us in.  Now, let's go."

Zen, even more confused, watches as they walk to the tower, before he starts to follow them both back to the Tower of the Sacred Flame.  He begins to thank them, but he doesn't know if he feels like he should stay there, given that Master Ox doesn't really like him that much, because of his constant sneaking in to the tower in the past.
"I really do thank you, guys... for letting me stay."
Rhino: "Please, the pleasure's all ours.  It's the least we can do to help you.  You're welcome to stay with us until your parents come home."

Soon, the three geese guards at the gates let them through, and they begin to approach the tower doors, and the two masters open the doors to allow Zenji in.  Zenji enters the tower and sees the tower's full interior with the lights above being bright enough to light the place.

Zen marvels at the true beauty of the interior of the tower, Rhino and Croc both can't help but smile at how much Zen is enjoying the interior of this place.  The three soon press on and go up the long staircase back up to the top to where the Soothsayer is, Zen looks over at her, and he takes this time to go over to her.

"Hey... I'm... really sorry for getting very, VERY emotional yesterday...  I know you were just trying to help me."
Zen apologizes to the goat lady about his little emotional episode from the other day, to which the Soothsayer nods in understand as she speaks, "I understand you, young wolf.  There is a lot of great pain that lies within the truth when it comes to discovering such a terrible revelation.  And I'm glad that you're able to forgive me..."
The Soothsayer smiles up at him, in contentment that he forgives her for what transpired last night.

"I'm just hoping I don't EVER encounter my uncle.  Like, at all.  Because... that whole thing really changed everything that I thought I knew...  If I could see him, now.  I'd... I don't know..."
Zen tries to say something else, but his face has this uncertain expression, he doesn't what he'd do to his uncle if he came across him now.
"Don't worry, young wolf...  You won't see him in this current lifetime, he has been banished from ever setting foot in Gongmen City."
The Soothsayer reassures Zen that his uncle can't possibly return to Gongmen City after being banished so long ago.
Master Croc then chimes in with her reassurance by giving his own, adding that Shen was also banished from ever returning.
"Yeah, child, you also won't have to worry about Shen either."

Master Thundering Rhino also speaks his part to try and reassure Zen, "As long as the Kung Fu Council is around, you best believe we will do our best to protect you."
Rhino lays his hammer down, gesturing toward Zen and back with the stone handle.  And Zen nods at the two masters, "Believe me, I'm grateful... again, thank you all for letting me stay."

Zen didn't have very many friends in his earlier years just because he was a wolf, but he's glad that he's aware that there are some people looking out for him in his dire need.

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