Chapter 6: A Not-So-Happy Reunion

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Zan couldn't believe his eye, how could he?  He thought Zen would be long gone by now, like, off with his parents in some other part of China.  But no, his eye was not deceiving him, this was his nephew, and he did not seem very happy to see him after all this time.  And Zen only had one thing to say, "Where the hell have you been...?   And what in the hell did you do?"

Zan had this confused look for a moment, before finally remembering, "Ahhh, crap, uh... that...  Listen, kid.  Following Lord Shen's orders is complicated enough--"
"Oh, SHUT... UP!"
Zen interrupted, to which Zan seemed shocked and then seemed a bit annoyed about Zen's interruption.
"You did not have to help a crazy, deranged bush turkey kill a bunch of pandas who didn't even do anything to you or HIM."

"He wasn't ALWAYS like that!!  Not... not at first..."
Zan snapped at Zen, and soon enough, he lets his head droop downward.  And he gestures to the three wolf soldiers to put him in the jailhouse, putting his paws to his face, in a mentally exhausted manner.  And to that, Zen remarks with a scoff just before, "HAH!  Was that before or AFTER-- Master Thundering Rhino, himself, got blown up to bits right in front of me because of that psychopath?!!  If it was of either of those, I DOUBT IT!  You put your faith in the WRONG individual, unc...  You're just like what Ma and Pa said you were, and I should've listened..."

Zan cringed and winced all at once, him hearing this come from somebody he should've been there for just hurt... it really hurt.  Much more than when he had lost his precious eye, he sighed in a tired manner, as he walked away to try and tend to business as usual.  He and Zen share one last glance at each other, each of their minds had two emotions that complimented one of the other, one was full of anger and deep sorrow from within the young wolf, but just can never show it in front others, and the other had unbridled regret and misery behind that one eyed wolf leader.  The doors of the jailhouse were soon closed and the Wolf Boss was already gone from the vicinity, as Zen was roughly thrown into a prison cell, Master Croc and Master Ox could see Zen was alive, they didn't know how or why, but they seemed glad to see him here, at the very least.
Croc: "Ah, so, they've found you too, hm?"
Ox: "What are you doing here, Zen?  We thought you were dead..."

"Oh!  Hey, guys... didn't expect to see any of you here, I thought that peacock disposed of you two already..."
Zen looked over from across the room to see their cell, he didn't really imagine seeing such good fighters being behind bars so easily.

Ox: "In a way... he already has."
Croc: "Yep..."

"...I think I know how we can get out of here..."
Zen says, but Ox rolls his eyes, he knows that whatever Zen's about to try won't work, at all.
Ox: "...Kid, we aren't getting out of here.  Shen will do whatever it takes to kill you, boy.  And after that, he'll kill us all with that weapon of his.  Gongmen is his, now."
Zen looks back at Ox with a shocked expression, he never once heard Ox sound so... defeated before.  Zen felt bad for the defeated warriors in the cell across from his own, but he felt determined, if they didn't want to get out, so be it.  Although, Zen's not going down without a chance to at least fight back, even if it was entirely on his own.

Zen attempts to kick his cell door down, multiple times, with each grunt sounding more and more pained than the last.  And nothing seemed to happen, only mere dents, but that won't do anything to break it down.  So, Zen sits down, soon staring at a wall, looking past the walls of this prison, he had an even more determined look on his face, but most of it, was a primal anger or an infernal rage of being held back and confined.

He will be free, even if it might be the last thing he'll ever do.

Sins and SeparationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora