trans!Wilbur & Quackity Smut

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It was a really good idea, don't get him wrong. You couldn't have seen how it ended from a lightyear away, however. Here was the idea. Wilbur was out to simply initiate his plan, not because he wanted more attention, fuck no. He was angry at the flashback.

"I don't think about you at all."

And though some would call that needy, or that it was something craved by that of an attention whore, Wilbur was a special case. He didn't know how he felt yet, it was just a faded blur of hatred and lust.

Well, for him personally. So he supposed he did know, just not quite in the sense of which emotions particularly.

His feelings were being toyed with, ironically enough, and he didn't fucking like it. He didn't like the taste of his own medicine, and it was unfortunate that he had to suffer the aftertaste.

Not really. Quackity was under the belief that he deserved it, still just as emotionally confused as his Yang.

Wilbur's footsteps echoed throughout the long, snake-like hallway, in search of Quackity's office. Upon a brief visit, and quite contrary to his previous luck, he had managed to steal his rival's office keys. The plan was simple. Nothing complicated as long as nothing else happened.

He would plant an explosive in the office next to Quackity, leave it until the morning, and await the reaction expected from the short-tempered ravenette. He could only imagine how furious he'd be, and he'd finally have a better reason to have his eyes.

Wilbur's fingers skimming across the bumpy surface of the wall. He smirked slyly when he'd finally reached the moment he'd awaiting for so long.

Two weeks. I could never wait two weeks.

He carefully unlocked the door to the office next door, barely catching a glimpse of the thin sliver of warm orange light coming from Quackity's office. Fully freezing, he grew pale in the face. Everything had gone right so far, he couldn't turn back now... could he?

No. He would not back down, nor would he give up. Wilbur had not gotten this far into his initial plan for nothing. Hastily, his frigid hands unwrapped the explosive before placing it in between a wall and a file drawer. Possibly important paper files, but did he give a shit? Fuckin nope.

When he heard a loud shuffling noise in the other room, he stood positively still for another dozen seconds, his ears unlocking their true potential as he observed the noises. When nothing else was audible, he sighed in contention.

Finishing up his malignant deed's, he tore out of the room quickly, scampering past Quackity's door like a fox. He grinned, before pausing once more. Another idea had struck into his brain, lightning filling his empty box brain.

He reached into his pocket for a "gift," before turning his course back to Big Q's office. Confidently, he stormed into Quackity's office like there was no tomorrow. His mouth grew dry, and barren when he looked in front of him to see Quackity, his hand halfway down his pants, sweating like a teenage boy.

"Oh uh-" Wilbur swallowed, nearly choking on air at the unexpected, but not unwelcome, sight. "I'll just leave-" Quackity growled in a low tone, cutting him off, "No, I don't think so."

He fucked up.

He was so done.

Before successfully getting out the door, Quackity stood up to chase him. "Sit your ass down in my office, Wilbur." He demanded, a stern expression clearly not ready to flash off his face anytime soon. And like a spell, the brunette's legs decided for him what to do.

Wilbur was gonna scream, scold himself like a dog, but moments prior, Quackity hovered above his seat. "So. Why are you here at 1 A.M.?"

"I should ask the same thing." Wilbur rolled his eyes, fixing his hair like a pretty princess. Quackity face dripped onto the carpet. He was clearly not amused at this behavior. "Don't you dare pull that cliche shit on me, mother fucker."

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