Two Taps// HS AU Drabble

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Two Taps on the Vending Machine

Written by yours truly; Mostlyz 

"Tap twice." A voice from behind a tall young brunette by the name of Wilbur chuckled. He turned, shocked that anyone had still been out this late. Especially in a High School. "Uh, pardon?" Wilbur looked around for any trace of the voice. At the corner of the room barely seen by the light produced by the machine, a short black-haired boy glared at Wilbur, his eyes reflecting a small blue spark. He wore a simple black tee, and a lazy blue sweater. Surely on purpose, his shoulders had been exposed revealing a green inked tattoo trailing up his neck.

The boy was unfairly attractive, especially his hair which brushed down past his neck. "You were trying to figure out the snack box right?" Wilbur would've snickered at the name the shorter gave the vending machine, had he not been somewhat intimidated. "I do. I dunno why I'd do that though." Rolling his eyes, the boy came closer. "I knew you'd be some sort of dork even before coming across you." He knocked his knuckle twice against the glass, and the monster can tumbled down.

"Thank you?" Wilbur said awkwardly, glancing up at the ravenette. He didn't even think too hard about the fact that he'd kind of just robbed the vending machine. His general assumption is that the thing would've just collapsed on top of him, but low and behold the magic man of the unknown showed up. "It doesn't work for anything else, but you might as well use it to get your energy drinks." He shrugged before turning the corner. Wilbur tried to follow as closely behind as possible. "Hey, I didn't even catch your name."

The boy turned. "I'm sorry? I just wanted to help you because you looked pathetic, desperately searching your pockets for quarters." Wilbur hid his hands. "What quarters?" The stranger couldn't say he was upset, but the time was almost 6 at night and he was ready to hitch a ride to his home. "If I answer your question will you let me be for the rest of the night?" He finally responded, causing Wilburs face to spindle into a short smile. "Sure."

"Hey, I'm Quackity, I guess. I'm a Senior." Quackity pushed his own dark strands of hair out of his face. "That's a neat name. Mine is William, but I prefer Wilbur." Quackity tried to stifle a laugh.


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