Gig Night Celebration - Fluff & Hurt/Comfort

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"Quackity." Quackity turned towards Wilbur before grinning widely. "Hey man! I loved the show." Wilbur pulled him into a tight hug, smiling lightly before clearing his throat. "There's been something on my mind as of recently." He announced before taking a swig of water. The shorter looked around before shrugging in a gesture to continue, "Well go ahead, I'm not gonna tell you to shut up." When Wilbur had finished, and closed his bottle, he took a seat next to Quackity.

"I'm thinking of moving to LA."

When there had been no reply for a solid amount of time, Wilbur reiterated, "Well- firstly because I was kicked out of my house, but again because I'd love to live nearby to you." Quackity found this statement like an achievement. It's one thing to have a friend that close to you that they'd be comfortable and trusting to your services. It was another to know that they'd move across countrysides to live near you. "There were two sentences I were expecting- that DEFINITELY not being one of them." Quackity chuckled, shaking his head.

"What- this isn't disappointing news to you is it, Big Q?" Wilbur raised an eyebrow at the ravenette, watching as he'd stuttered on his words suddenly. "Oh hell no! It's more the opposite, I'm just shocked. Wouldn't you want live closer to like, George or something?" Wilbur scoffed at the question, acknowledging how much a stupid question it sounded as much as it was. "Gods no! In Florida? Definitely not, too hot there for me." Quackity sat up, taking his sweater that he'd hung up down since backstage had been rather colder than previously.

By the time the show had been finished, all the humid heat of the show had fully drained out of the venue. It's as if the crowd had single handedly carried it between the places they'd gone. "You tired Q?" Wilbur questioned, quick to notice how Quackity would now shake in place from the cold.

"Nah, I'm fine." He sat back down, checking the time on his phone. 5 minutes till ten. "Well." Wilbur started, his back straightening and his posture fixing. Magically, it had seemed like he'd grown a solid three inches. As if he needed more height to combat Quackitys'. "Me and my bandmates are gonna head back to our hotel rooms. You can come with if you'd like to." Undeniable, Quackity would've loved to do so. "That sounds wonderful- we could like, just chat for a bit."

"We out soon Wil?" The band's guitarist, Joe peeked from around the corner. The two glanced over to him in unison. "All the stuff is loaded up already."

"Sounds great Joe, we'll be right out!" Wilbur gave a solid thumbs up before pulling his guitar case close to him. "Well, you coming?" The tall brunette offered his hand, the case loosely strapped across his back. Front Quackitys' point of view, you could see how drenched Wilburs clothes were from playing, and his hair was drooped in front of his face, also incredibly damp. There was still a glint in his eyes, reflecting that of a boy who's dreams were being fulfilled. And when he'd play, when he'd do these concerts, he could hear his past self cheer for him, so optimistic about future opportunities he'd have.

What was not to admire about that?

Both of them stood up tiredly, walking around the labyrinth backstage. Wilbur's arm had been wrapped around Q's shoulder. He didn't seem to mind the extra weight though, if anything it seemed cute to him. Basically dragging the lanky man through the hallways out the door, Quackity nudged Wilbur to sit up. Many people had crowded around them at this point, the attention the shorter having received unlike anything he'd ever seen.

Cheers whistled in his ears as he squeezed through the dozens of people demanding attention, and waving around gifts wildly. He couldn't even fathom the numbers of fans- let alone understand that likely millions more people there were that were enjoying the bands music, and likely the content all of them made. "We've got to get inside Q, you'll catch a cold." Wilbur nudged Quackity lightly, snapping him out of the heavy focus he had on the crowd.

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