Amazon Standing Lamp

19 1 3

Modern AU::

It was snowing outside. A marvelous sight which was rarely seen, realistically. In a different instance, however, it was something common for an outsider. The wind had died down at this point, but that didn’t reduce the effects of the freezing wastelands. It may have been a city, sure, but the temperature ensured it so that it felt empty; abandoned.

Only if you were to glimpse through a crack of a window in the neighborhood would you be able to acknowledge people still living in the urban setting. And still then, it felt lonely sometimes. Christmas was a lovely time of year, especially when you’re around great people. And if you’re not, well, you can only try to be in a good mood.

Lucky for Quackity, he did have a visitor over for the holidays. Not his family, no. But it was someone just as close. His good friend Wilbur, who was bound to arrive in a few hours. He expected the tired, yet still somewhat energetic soul to give him a warm welcome to the holiday season. He always did that, and for that, Quackity was incredibly grateful.

It always felt like there was something more though. Maybe it’s the way Wilbur would smile which lit up the sky, or that incredibly smooth singing voice you’d swoon over in concerts, but the thoughts would not leave Quackity’s mind. It could be a problem. Maybe. It always kind of felt like the charm remained on purpose, his burning gaze increasing by the word.

Then again, maybe it wasn’t.

Quackity shivered, continuing his descent down the hill. Soon after their first meet, Quackity had started implementing short walks, and bike rides into his schedule. Wandering off onto the beach that first day really threw him off. It felt cold, but not as cold as it felt now. That past time, it was late. He lifted his own face to look at the sky. It was dark. It would only snow in the mornings and at night due to severe temperature changes throughout the day.

He winced as a snowflake landed on his cheek, near his eye. Blinking a few times, he resumed his walk back to his house. Quackity drastically felt more accomplished. Mornings were nice.

It wasn’t familiar, but Wilbur could say he recognized the house. Smiling to himself from the completion of his trip, rubbed his cold hands together before knocking. Tap, tap, tap!

He waited patiently, expecting his energy filled friend to burst through the door in mere seconds and smother him with affection. It would be nice. He missed the warmth, as odd as it sounds. Something in his mind tells him the reason he’s always cold; it’s that being cold is a sign of loneliness, and a returning symptom of antisocial depression.

Wilbur could say he remembers reading it somewhere, in an article of such. If you were to ask him where specifically, he wouldn’t be able to give a solid answer.

His fingers tapped in a rhythm on his arm. He wasn’t ticked off at Quackity being a bad host, no. In his mind, even if A was late, it would be for a justifiable cause. Running back home with the wine, per say. Wilbur grinned. He did take Quackity for a fashionably late man. He jumped slightly at the sudden feeling of arms wrapping him into a hug, by the waist.

Turning to face the attacker, Wilbur smiled. “Hi Q.” Due to the fact that he wasn’t able to turn to hug the smaller, he simply took his free hand to pat the shorters head awkwardly. “I missed you, asshole.” Quackity snarked, laughing slightly before reaching into the wrong jacket pocket for his keys.

Wilbur was already unlocking the door, as he’d previously stolen them from what Quackity thought to be the wrong pocket. “Ladies first.” He smirked, revealing the wide open door. “I don’t think I missed you anymore.” He scoffed overdramatically before walking through the door. Grinning like a crook, Wilbur did this same.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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