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Before we start this chapter can we give an appreciation to Geum-joo 👍👍👍 the woman is like female Bruce Wayne /  Batman business woman and rich CEO by day ,  crime fighter at night. Geum-joo is a cool mom no wonder alot of people are saying they are watching the show more because of her than Nam-Soon . But I'm mad she body shamed Nam-In when he's also her child not just Nam-Soon.

       JP woke up early with a yawn  scratching his head groggily, "Shia!" He exclaimed once he saw a delicious feast had been prepared for breakfast.

           "Oh JP? You're awake?" Bong-Soon said arranging the food on the table with a bright smile on her face.

               "Did you make all this by yourself?" He asked in complete  amazement as he sat down at the table looking over the food not even the servants prepared so much before.

               "I did."

               "You're preparing to feed a whole village or something?' he asked earning a laughter from his older cousin.

                    "Nothing like that ," Bong-Soon said with a smile , "i just enjoy cooking. My mom isn't a fan of cooking, she's very bossy,  so I had to learn very early. I just wanted to make something special ," she then whispered as if sharing a secret with JP , "I'm actually excited. I've known our family is pretty big but it's my first meeting distant relatives , I didn't know i had family in Gangnam."

                  JP smiled , his older cousin was surprisingly easy to get along with , "same here. Nam-In and I only heard we have relatives but never met anyone. You , Bo Mi and Bo Min are like the first relatives aside from Uncle Geum-dong, to like ever ever meet ."

                 "Really?" She asked looking shocked.

                    JP nodded , growing up he only heard he had alot of relatives on from maternal family but never met one , he only knew the family members from his dad's side than his mother's.

                    "So how is it like?" Bongsoon suddenly asked .

                "How is what like?"

           "Being the only boy in our family to actually be born with the strength."

                  "That ," JP shrugged nonchantly, "I think it's cool and lonely. I mean , 500 years and I'm the only male. Hashtag, super power boy. " Sometimes he didn't know if it was a good or bad enough

                 Bongsoon gave him an encouraging smile , "given I'm the one updating the chronicles of power , your name will be the first recorded male in our family. I feel so honored ." She said dramatically making JP smirk.

                  It wasn't long before the rest of the family came down for breakfast , Geum-joo, Geum-dong, Joong-gan and Nam-In were just as surprised to see so much food.

                  "You've shouldn't have bothered yourself dear." Joong-gan said

           "Right. You're our guest , the chefs could have prepared something ,you shouldn't have strained yourself you're pregnant." Geum-joo added agreeing with her mother.

                   Geum-dong scoffed at  his sister , "you did more tenous work during your first  pregnancy ."

              Geum-joo wanted to rebuff but Bong-Soon cut in   "aunt Geum-joo, I wanted to  prepare something nice for all of you."

STRONG BOY? HWANG JP ( STRONG GIRL BONG SOON &NAM-SOON)Where stories live. Discover now