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Since the ending of Strong Girl Nam-Soon indicated a strong boy at the end am so excited. If it comes out ,I might make a crossover between that particular family member and JP. Strong Boys, Cheul-dong and JP , I like the sound of that

While Geum-joo had gone off to thank and handsomely reward every person who helped her daughter ,JP was left in charge of brining Nam-Soon to their home.

Nam-Soon held his hand with a huge grin , "I always wanted a little brother. Now that I know you're my brother I'm going to protect you." She declared fiercely. While growing up she wanted a younger sibling , now she was going to keep true to her word. No one was going to harm a hair on her precious baby brother's head while she was around (🥰🥰 mamma bear Nam-Soon)

JP smiled as the car parked inside the parking lot of their buliding , "I always wondered how our first meeting would be like." He admitted.

When he met Hwa-ja , he assumed the awkwardness he felt was natural , honestly he always thought that would he how he felt if he ever met his big sister. But the way Nam-Soon was so genuinely happy to be his sister , made him feel bad of envying her during his childhood for being the center of their mother's attention.

"If anyone tries to bully you ," she hit her chest confidently , "I'll handle them for you."

"Sure." JP smiled and led her inside the apartment building.

Nam-Soon let out a low whistle as they walked around the fancy buliding "This place is bigger than Gan I-Sik's place."

"That's our lifestyle." JP exclaimed , his mom was even more well off than his grandparents. There was a reason Hwang Geum Joo was regarded as Gangnam's problem solver.

"You're here, my child! " Joong-gan came rushing forward engulfing her granddaughter in a tight embrace. The Ahn family were in the room as well ,minus Min Hyuk, Bong-Soon who was seated studying the Hwang/ Gang family's Chronicles of Power stood up observing the other super power girl.

"Our grandma." JP explained to a shocked and confused Nam-Soon , "mom's mother."

"Oh." Nam-Soon looked curious and smiled at the woman who was her grandmother , "it's nice to meet you."

Joong-gan cupped her granddaughter's face lovingly, "
My precious darling. Look at the fine lady you've become. You took after me and not your mom."

"Don't take all the credit grandma ," JP joked.

"It's true isn't it." She said before focusing her attention on Nam-Soon, "Look how beautiful you are. You sweet little thing. Nam-soon. I heard you came across a fire today and saved people at the scene. Your mom told me."

JP frowned, he knew it wasn't right to be jealous given Nam-Soon had saved the most people but he helped too. His mom could have atleast said that.

Nam-Soon noticed two adorable little girls , one had short dark hair , while the other had long brown hair. She waved at them , "hello!"

"Hi!" The twins responded.

Bongsoon stood up and introduced herself , "hello. I'm Bongsoon."

A cheeky smile planted itself on the super power girl , "I'm Nam-Soon." She emphasised the 'Soon ' that stood out in their names. Everyone smiled at the similarity

"Bongsoon is your cousin ," Joong-gan explained to her granddaughter , "these are her daughters , your nieces , the twins , Bo Mi and Bo Min."

STRONG BOY? HWANG JP ( STRONG GIRL BONG SOON &NAM-SOON)Where stories live. Discover now