Chapter 37

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Arnav and Kushi were sitting in the restaurant having their lunch.

Arnav - How did you come in till the conference room ? I mean, nobody knows you in the office and unknown persons are not allowed inside.

Kushi - I am an unknown person but our Driver is your employee na.... He only took me inside informing the reception. When I asked the staff he told me that you were in the conference room and I came there.

Arnav - Oh Ok. Try this one....

He served her a dish he ordered and Kushi took a bite of it and smiled.

Kushi - It's too yummy....

Arnav - Then have it.

He served more on her plate asking her to eat while himself ate the dishes they ordered.

They both talked while finishing their lunch and Arnav paid the bill and they again reached AR.

By now everyone in the office came to know that the mysterious lady is none other than ASR's wife Kushi Singh Raizada.

As Arnav walked back crossing all the employees towards their cabin holding Kushi's hands, everyone looked at him in awe. He was not so ASR around the beautiful woman walking with him.

He took Kushi to their showroom where numerous mannequins were placed adorned in beautiful dresses.

Arnav - Choose anything you want....

Kushi looked around and blinked her eyes confused. Arnav who was observing her tapped her shoulders.

Arnav - What happened ?

Kushi - I don't know what kind of party is that and what should I wear ? Though Lavanya suggested that I should select something different, I am so confused.

Arnav - Mmm..... Wait I'll select something for you.

Kushi smiled in happiness seeing Arnav selecting something for her. This is the first time Arnav is selecting a dress for her after their marriage. Though he is a designer, he never commented or imposed his thoughts over her regarding her dressing.

Arnav went near a black long gown - Black suits you very much. Why don't you try this ? I think you'll be comfortable in this.

Kushi frowned - This one ?

Arnav - Hmm. Go, change and come.

Kushi - Where ?

Arnav - In the trial room. It's inside that room.

Kushi took the dress and went inside the trial room to change.

Arnav sat on the sofa scrolling his mobile. After a few minutes hearing a click sound he looked up only to be left stunned looking at his gorgeous wife adorned in black.

He stood up and walked near Kushi who was adjusting the dress.

Arnav - It's good.

Kushi raised her head and looked at him - Really ? I have never worn such dresses before.

Arnav - You are looking great in this Kushi. But you need a little alteration. Then it would be perfect. Wait let me take your measurements.

He took the tape from the table nearby and went near her making her jump.

Arnav looked at her with his one raised brow - What ?

Kushi - Dhoor hato Arnav. This is your office. Everyone is watching us. Already everyone looked at you like an alien in the conference room.

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