Unfolding Powers part 2!

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Last time-

They walked out of the plane and went inside only to see.........


Third POV-

We see our hero walking into the airport only to see his friends Max, and Bonnie they went looking at him so he divided to surprise them so he ran up to them.

Ash's POV-

I walked into the airport only to see my friends from my other journeys Bonnie, and Max they weren't looking my way so I decided to sneak up on them so I walked up to to them and jumped while saying "BOOOO"

??? POV-

Me and my friend Max were standing in the airport cuz we just arrived hear in Alola to catch and battle pokemon we were talking about we're to go when all of a sudden someone jumped on me and yelled "BOOOO" I jumped super scared then I looked and saw it was Ash my friend from Kalos Max gave the same reaction.

Third POV-

Ash jumped on Bonnie and Max and saw their reactions and laughed then he got tackled by Bonnie.

Bonnie- ASH!!!! wait..... what are you doing hear?!?!?!?

Ash- well I came because I heard of the Pokémon school and wanted to check it out then I saw you and Max!

Max- Hey Bonnie mabey we should go to the Pokémon school to it sounds fun!

Bonnie- OK!!! 'then she ran off'

Ash- still the same I see!

Max- yep!

(Still third POV) so they headed to the Pokémon school but they got lost in the forest so we find our heroes walking around the forest but then they ran into some familiar faces.

Ash- well it seems like we're lost sorry guys

Max- it's ok Ash it's not your fault

Bonnie- ya I'm just glad team rocket isn't here to ruin our fun this time!" 'then a Janet claw comes from a close by tree and grabs Pikachu'

Pikachu- PIKA- PI!!

"Did I hear team rocket"

"We're right hear right now"

"The busy so radiant the flowers and moon hide in shame a single flower of evil in this flaming world Jessie"

"The nobly heroic man of our times the master of darkness fighting back agents the tragic world it's James" 

"It's all for one and one for all a glittering dark star and always shines bright dig it while Meath takes flight" 'then a Janet claw comes from a close by tree and grabs Pikachu'

"Team rocket thets fight"

"That's right"


Bonnie- spoke to soon"


Jessie- NO this Pikachu is ours!! Hahahaha


Then all of a sudden there was a flame thrower out of nowhere and Team Rocket blasted off



Then all of a sudden they heard a voice from behind 

???- that was close! is your Pikachu ok??

Ash- yeah thanks he's ok! uhh what's your name?

Kiawe- My names Kiawe aaand you?

Ash- My names Ash

Bonnie- My names Bonnie

Max- And my names Max

Kiawe well nice to meet you Ash, Bonnie and Max well it looks like you're lost so do you guys so I could bring you to the Pokémon school if you want?

Ash- THAT WOULD BE AWSOME we were actually heading there in the first place 

Kiawe- oh well ok come on!

Well I have to eat and finish my homework so by guys hope you like this chapter!

Maggie- out

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