Unfolding Powers Part 4

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Our hero's made it to the Pokémon school and found people having a Pokémon battle but the didn't know who. But we do the people we're called Team skull.

Third POV

Our hero's are at the Pokémon school and they just walked up to the people at the side lines.

Ash "What's going on and who are these people?"

??? "Oh!! Hello sorry you scared me!"

Ash "oh sorry!" 'Puts hand on back on neck and and laughs sheepishly'

??? "Well Hello! My name is Lillie, and these are my friends Mallow, Lana, and Sophocles! And the people over there are Gladion my brother, and Kiawe another one of my friends!"

Ash "Oh hello well my-"

Bonnie "That's Ash one of my friends, my name is Bonnie, and this is my........friend Max!" 'When she says 'friend Max she blushes and Ash notices"

Lillie, Mallow, Lana, Sophocles "HELLO!!"

Mallow "so to answer your question those people wearing Black are named team skull and they're nasty people who challenge others to battle and if they win they take your Pokémon!"

Ash "THATS NOT OK!!!!!!!"

Pikachu "PIKA!!!"

Bonnie, Max "you guys might want to back up"

Bonnie "Yeah when he hears this kinda thing or sees it he gets MAAAAD!!!!!!!!"

Group "oooooaaaaayy?"

The group backs up and looks at Ash Pikachu knows what's happening since he's a Pokémon and can sense the surprise that even Ash dosnt know about. So Ash goes in front of Kiawe and Gladion when the two see Ash in front of them and thier pokemon they start to scream at him asking what he's doing, if he's insane, what's wrong with him, but he just glares at them it was so scary the two shut up right away with shocked and scarred faces. Ash stands there and a blue Aura starts to surround him everyone stars in shock except Pikachu and Ash, Pikachu because he sensed it and Ash because he too focused to pay attention.

Ash "WHAT. YOUR DOING IS. NOT. OKAY!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed and he formed an Aura sphere in his hands soooo big it was as big as a Alolan Executor, he threw it at them skull blasting them off like team rocket. When they were out of sight he looked behind him o see everyone with wide eyes staring at him mouths dropped open, He had a confused face on, he didn't understand why they were looking at him like that, then all of a sudden there was a big gust of wind, and when Ash opened his eyes everyone was looking at him happy, he was SO confused, one minute they were looking at him like he was the god then they look at him like nothing happened, the funny thing is everyone except, Bonnie, and Max. 

Time skip to Bed

Everyone was asleep even Ash but he's tossing and turning like he's having a nightmare or something, let's see what's happening in his dream

Ash's Dream

Ash "w-where am I?"

??? "You, Chosen one are in the hall of Origin, Welcome my-"

AAAANNNND CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!!!!! If you want more keep reading sorry this is so short but I hope you're liking it so far!!


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