Unfolding Powers Part 3!

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Last Time

Ash scared Bonnie and Max and told them about the Pokémon school and they all decided to go and check it out!

Third POV

Our Hero's are now  walking to the Pokémon center  catching up, talking let's see what their talking about now.

 Bonnie "-GET HERE!?"

Ash "I got here last I'd say about an hour before you guys did!"

Max "So Ash what have you been up to?"

Ash "well I went to travel with one of my friends named Goh and we were Reaserch Fellows at the Cirese laboratory, then I entered the Masters 8 and won agenst Leon- (HEY DONT LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT I WANT THIS STORY TO BE INTERESTING SO DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!) 

Bonnie, Max "YOU DID WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"

Ash "yyyeeeahhhh? What's wrong with you gu-OHHHHHHHHHHH UHHH-HAHAHA F-funny j-joke self haha haha haaaaa"

Bonnie "uuuuuuummmm yeah no. We heard you loud and clear so don't try to back out of this!"

Ash "'sighs' fine but you can't tell ANYONE OK. ANYONE."

Bonnie, Max "we promise"

Ash "ok yes i did win agenst Leon and did win the title but the thing is it wasn't casted in Alola so no one inside knows I'm the Champion and I'd like to keep it that way that's the other reason I came here, so i can get a break from people, so PLEASE don't say anything I want anyone I meet here to like me because of me. PLEASE?"

Bonnie, Max "we promise"

Ash "thank you. Now where were we?.......oh! Yeah on the way to the Pokémon school! Let's get gluing shall we?

Bonnie, Max "YEAH!!!!!!!!"

 So our Hero's made their way to the Pokémon school 

Time skip to Pokémon school

Our hero's have arrived at the Pokémon school only to see a group of kids their age standing at the front gate with Pokémon in front of them and on the other side facing them where a group of 4 with Pokémon in front of them they didn't know it yet but we do these people were named Team skull, really bad people who try and steal other peoples Pokémon. It looked like they were having a battle with 4 kids of to the side and 2 in front  making it look like the people to the side had there pokemon fainted. Ash, Bonnie and Max all walked up to the gate to ask what wa sgouing on let's see how that goes.

Ash "Hey! My name is Ash Ketchum from Pallet town! What's gouging on?"

Hey sorry guys it's a school night and I have homework so I have to go


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