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John POV

After Tio brought out the cake and they sang Happy Birthday, I thanked them and asked them if I could take the cake to go as we were on our way out. Of course they did not care and took the cake back to box it up as I went to the front desk to pay. Upon arriving at the front desk I handed my card to the lady who quickly scanned it and returned it back to my hand.

After paying I return to Taylor and smile. "Ready Tay?"

Upon hearing my voice aimed at her she glances up. "Sorry I didn't hear you. What did you say?"

"Are you ready to go?" I ask again, chuckling.

"Oh yeah, let's go."

As soon as that comes out of her mouth she gets up and grabs her purse heading over to where I am standing. Once she reaches where I am, tio comes out of the kitchen with a boxed up cake.

"Here John, have a fantastic Birthday!" He says smiling, "Also treat this one right she seems sweet."

"I know, thank you Tio." I responded looking over at Taylor who was watching the sunset out the window. "I am an extremely lucky man."

Tio just chuckles, and walks away speaking Italian to his wife.


"Huh" she responds, turning to me from the window.


"Yeah, let's go."

Once outside the door I walk her to the car and open her door for her. Once she is inside I make sure she is good then close her door and head to my side. However, I stopped to put the cake in the trunk along the way. Once on my side of the car. I open the door and plop down into the car hitting my head on the way.

"Ow!" I screech getting into the car. This causes Taylor to giggle under her breath. I just continue getting in and rub my head. "You would think that after getting in and out of this car for a few years I would stop hitting my head on the door." This just causes her to laugh harder.

"Oh so it's funny when I hit my head?"I ask now amused at the laugther. She just continues to giggle and I shake my head in amusement, putting the car in drive and driving off. After a few minutes we pulled up at her apartment. "As promised we are back. Ready to go in? I'll share my cake."

"I'm good John, but are you ready to go in?" She asks, losing all humor in her tone.

I sit back and think for a minute. As soon as I walk through those doors again my life is going to change. I am going to get that chance that I do not deserve, but Taylor offered. I will be able to meet my daughter, which is both horrifying and exhilarating. Horrifying because I do not want Emmy to turn out like me. I am very much a screw up and I have many problems that I am working on, but exhilarating because I am meeting my own child that I have not been able to meet. After a deep breath in and out, I look over to Taylor, "I am ready." I respond smiling.

This causes her to smile and get out of the car. "Come on then. You do not want to be late; she gets grumpy if you wake her up."

I quickly get out of the car, lock it and chase after Taylor into the elevator. When I arrive Taylor closes the elevator door behind me, and starts digging through her purse for the keys. This takes her a while to find the keys and get everything in order. While doing this the elevator arrives at her floor and I hold the elevator.

"Taylor, do you need help?" I ask, looking at her struggle.

She looks at me and sighs. "Yeah I can't find my keys."

"Are they not clipped to the strap?" I ask.

"No they..." She feels along the strap and finds them connected to the strap at the back of the purse. "Oh.. Sorry." She finishes.

"No problem. Just thought I could help, but it seems like you didn't need me," I say, trying to ease her embarrassment.

She quickly takes the keys off and we get out of the elevator that I had been holding for a minute. She then rushes to the door, opens it and rushes in. I quietly follow her and sit in the living room on the couch.

"Give me a minute and I'll get Emmy and bring her down." She responds walking up the stairs. Looking back down to talk to me.

"Okay, I'll see you in a minute."

She runs up the stairs and while she's gone I look at the photo album again. About 5 minutes later, she comes back downstairs with a wide awake baby in her arms. She comes to sit beside me and I put the album back down.

"This is Emery Hope. We call her Emmy. Emmy say hi." Taylor starts talking to me and then ends kissing Emmy's head encouraging her to say hello in her own way. Which causes Emmy to giggle and blow bubbles.

Taylor smiles and asks, "John, you want to hold her?"

I freeze, "I have never held a baby before. I... uh."

She just starts to hand Emmy over. "She is old enough to hold herself up. All you have to do is make sure she doesn't fall." She says placing Emmy on my lap.

Once Emmy is on my lap she starts to blow bubbles and giggle. To which Taylor smiles and wipes her face.

I look down at Emmy and am in wonder until she tries to stand up. To appease the baby I help her to stand on my lap preventing her from falling. Emmy however decides that my hair is her new play toy and starts to grab and pull on it.

"No Emmy, no pulling hair. That's not nice." Taylor says, pulling Emmy's hand out of my hair. This in return causes the baby to cry and plop down on her butt. To soothe the crying baby, I gently rub her back and she soon leans into my chest and falls asleep.

"Taylor, she's so... adorable. She is like a mini you."

"Not entirely, she is not like me. I see more of you than myself. She has your eyes." She replies looking down at the sleeping baby. I smile looking at Emmy. "I'm sorry, I thought she would be a little more awake than she is—" Taylor continues but I interrupt.

"It's not a problem, she's just a baby and needs sleep. Is it possible for me to put her down in bed?" I ask, trying not to overstep.

"Yeah, that's fine," She says, getting up to lead me to the nursery. We get there way too soon for my liking and I pout before placing her down in the crib. Much to my dismay Taylor sees my face and chuckles.

"John, it is not like you will not see her again. Come back at any time and see her, but let's call it a night and rest up. You can come back over in the morning and spend however long you want with her." She says rubbing my arm.

I simply sigh and nod my head. "I guess I should head home."

She walks me to the door and stops for a second, "Here before you leave, have this," She hands me a photo of Emmy, "You seem like you want one. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Thank you, and Goodnight Tator." I say hugging her and then turning to leave. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

After my last comment I get in the elevator and watch as her door closes. I quickly get in my car and drive to my hotel. Once there, I return to my room and fall on the bed ready to sleep because I know one thing. I can not wait for tomorrow. 

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