Speak Now Release Part 2

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— John POV —

Tree takes a seat beside us on the floor and starts to look through the papers again. I continue to rub Taylor's back as she starts to calm down. I place a kiss on her head.

"So what are we working on?" I ask, looking at Tree and then down at Taylor.

Tree looks up and smiles, "Her next tour. If we don't get ahead of Scott he will try to plan it and it will end up like the last one."

"What was wrong with the last one?" I ask, placing my chin on Taylor's head who is finally showing interest in what we are doing.

Tree goes to answer but Taylor interrupts, "It's not like it was bad; it's just not exactly what I wanted for the tour."

I lift my chin up off her head as she starts to shift out of my lap and to the floor. I smile and place a kiss on her cheek. "If that is the case, let's get this tour planned and set into motion before he can say no or change anything." I replied.

We start to organize her work and I help Taylor when she asks me a question. After a few minutes of this,Tree sets a paper down and sighs, "Taylor, I love the stage design, but it is too big. We have got to downsize. This tour is great in theory but over budget." She finishes and rubs her head.

Taylor sighs and falls backward laying on the ground with her legs still crossed in front of her. How she did that I have no clue, I mean I would have definitely pulled something. I get up and head to the kitchen grabbing both of their coffee cups, I quickly fill them up as Taylor and Tree discuss what they could cut. I bring back the cups and place them beside both of them and take a seat on the couch.

"John, which song should I cut White Horse or Dear John?" Taylor asks, looking for input.

I look over at her, "Do you really want my opinion?"

"I wouldn't ask if I didn't." She replies looking at me.

"Dear John." I reply, looking back to my phone for a text message from Steve about the backlash from the Album release.

"Ok White Horse it is then" Taylor says, causing me to look over at her raing my eyebrow.

"Then why ask me?"

"I just decided I would do the opposite of whatever you said." She replies grinning from ear to ear.

I sigh going back to texting Steve. I quickly reply and agree to his suggestion of staying in for a few days and then look at Taylor and Tree. "Are you two good?" I ask, looking at them typing about on Tree's laptop.

"Yeah, I know my plan, we are typing it up to get approved and setting up tryouts for the dancers as well as hiring the choreographer for them.

I nod my head, "I know this is dumb but will Scott even listen if it is your idea?"

Tree and Taylor both freeze, and look at each other in terror. "I guess neither of you thought of that, huh?" I speculate.

Tree immediately gets out her phone and starts to solve that issue as I look at Taylor who is looking at dresses on her phone. I get down on the floor next to her and look over her shoulder.

"That one is cute." I say pointing at one on the screen.

"In your dreams, lover boy." She replies laughing and continuing to scroll. I just chuckle and continue to watch her picks. After a few minutes, she gets finished and turns to look at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Do you have to be so nosey? What if I wanted it to be a surprise?" She questions.

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