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-Taylor's POV-

I run down the stairs to grab the stuff we need to change our looks for our trip out into town. After grabbing the spray hair dye and some fake piercings. I head back upstairs. Upon entering our bedroom John is laying back on the bed waiting.

"Okay, let's do you first. Also we didn't have anything else other than some fake piercings. However, I think I could get away with using makeup to change your face shape and giving you some bags. Also I'm gonna add some piercings."

He just nods his head and follows me into the bathroom. I quickly get out my makeup and start to do magic. Before I know it, John looks completely different. He went from a regular guy to a pierced hooligan.

I finish and tell him to go show Tree while I get to work on the hardest part. Getting this spray coloring into my hair. Soon enough Tree comes up and gets the back of my head covered in the blue spray. After finishing with the color change I move on to changing my face shape, I add a lip ring and a nose ring. As well as much heavier makeup than normal. I even uncovered the hickeys John left the other day.

I check in the mirror and add my contacts before heading down the stairs with a new shirt for John and ready to go.

"John wears this." I say holding out the tank top to John, he takes it and quickly changes. After a minute Tree comes over with a sleeve of press-on Tattoos and places them onto his arms carefully. After a few minutes it has adhered to his skin and we are ready to go.

However, before I can exit the house John stops me.

"You look hot." He states looking up and down.

I let out a chuckle, "I better."

He leans over and places a kiss on my lips, before opening the door. I quickly exit the house and go to the car with Steve and Tree. Soon enough, we are both getting dropped off at the front door of Walmart and walking in. John turns and places a kiss on my forehead. "Are you ready?" He asked.

"More than ever. The first stop needs to be toys for Emmy, but let's just do a couple presents as she will have some at the house and here." I respond by placing a kiss onto his cheek.

"That sounds like a plan." he says while grabbing a buggy and following me into the store.

Once inside we make a left and head towards the back of the store to where all the toys are located. On the way, I of course pick up a few things making John chuckle.

"What?" I ask, hearing his laugh.

"Nothing," He quickly responded, following behind me. However, once we get past the makeup he stops for a minute. This causes me to stop and look at him.

"I need to grab something." He explains after seeing my questioning look. I nod in response.

He quickly turns around and heads back a few rows. As he does this I turn down one of the face wash aisle to take a look at the different masks they have. After a minute or two he comes back with a box of condoms, and places it in the buggy.

I shake my head with a grin across my face.

"What do you need those for?" I ask him.

He freezes for a second like a kid that got caught taking candy from a bowl. "Umm... I thought... I'm confused." He responds, stumbling over his words, but finally makes intelligible sentences.

I just look at him and say, "What do you need those for?"

"I thought we were..." He pauses trying how to say it, but soon gives up. "Nevermind, I'll put them back." He finishes, going to grab the box to take it back. I immediately start laughing, "No, I'm just messing with you."

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