The Game Part 1

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– 4 hours later –

We are now on our way to the game. John is driving our tinted SUV as Emmy is in the back and I am upfront controlling the music.

Before long we arrive at the Bridgestone Arena and John calls Colin who picks up after a few seconds with his breath labored, "What's up?"

"Hey, where do I need to park?" John asks ignoring the fact that his friend is out of breath.

"Oh, you're here?"

"Yeah, we came earlier to avoid the big crowds. Now parking?"

"Oh sorry, give me a minute. I got to call them so you can park in the players area."

Colin hangs up and John turns to us, "Well then guess we are waiting. Emmy what song do you wanna sing?"

"Long Live" She says with a toothy grin.

I chuckle and change it over and change the track as we all begin to sing. After a few minutes, pass and John's phone begins ringing.


"Hey John, sorry. I talked to them and they know you are coming. You just have to go to the back. They can help you get to the correct area. I'll be at the gate to get you all in, and I have a surprise for you all."

John shakes his head going back around to the garage. "That's great but it better not be jerseys with your name on it. I will just use that as fuel for my fireplace."

"Good thing I didn't get you one then."

"Taylor is not wearing it either." He says possessively.

Collin chuckles, "Don't worry, I got you both specially made ones. I thought you would like it."

As Colin finishes speaking we arrive at the entrance to the garage.

"Hey I'm at the garage. We will be there in a few minutes." John says.

Colin does a quick response before hanging up. As he hangs up John pulls up to a restricted area when a guard stops us.

"Sir this area is off limits."

"I was told by Colin Wilson to come park in the player lot."

The guy give us a funny look before pulling out a radio and talking to someone on the other end

"Hey, I got some guy saying he is with Colin and needs to be in the player lot. DO you know anything about that?" The security officer asks into the radio.

"What's the name?" The radio responds after a moment.

The guy turns back to us, "John Mayer" John says after a second.

"The guy says he's John Mayer." He says into the walkie.

"Yeah, he's clear. Let him in. He can park anywhere he likes." The radio responds after a minute.

After a second the guard lets us through and John heads up the front to park. Once there he turns the car off and gets out grabbing Emmy from the back seat before meeting me in the front of the car.


"More than ever." I say in response.

"Dada, where we at?" Emmy asks, looking around.

John turns to her as we walk in with her bag and our own as well.

"We are at the arena. Daddy's friend plays hockey here and wanted us to come watch." John says.

"Hickey?" Emmy asks, confused.

"No, hockey."

Emmy shrugs and soon we are at the gate where Colin is waiting. When we walk up he swings it open and welcomes us.

"Welcome. I will show you to you box. Here are your passes. They allow you anywhere really besides the locker room." Colin says with a smile before turning to Emmy. "Awwwwwwww aren't you cute." He says and Emmy hides in John's shoulder.

"Emmy baby, come out and say hi to Daddy's friend Colin." John asks gently.

After a minute she comes out and waves.

Colin waves back with a smile. "Hello Emmy, I am Colin. I was your Daddy's BFF in school."

Emmy grins and wiggles wanting down so John sets her down. Once on the ground she waves back.

"Oh yeah your stuff. I got you presents. Well not really, the coach heard you all were coming and ordered them."

HE hand over gift bags and Emmy immediately dives in and gets a Jersey out with her last name on it along with her birth year on the back.

She smiles and puts it on over her head and gets out a hat that is way too big for her as well as a little stuffed animal.

I smile as John got the same thing but with his old hockey number on the back. He shakes his head looking at him before I open mine to find the number 13 and Swift on the back.

Turning to see both Emmy and John with Mayer and me with Swift makes a frown cross my face for a moment as I can not really match my family. John leans to the side and places a kiss on my head.

"Babe what's wrong?" He asks, confused.

I pout but shake my head, "It's nothing."

He sighs as if he knows I am lying but also knows that I will not give in. He places a kiss on my head and then turns to Emmy and picks her up, "Do you like your jersey?" She nods and leans against his chest.

After a second Colin speaks up, "So, I will show you all to the box where you will be at, but I would like to steal John for a couple of minutes. I have some people who want to meet him."

John releases a sigh, " I came to be with them Colin. Not to come on an adventure with you."

"Please. It will only take a few minutes and I'll make it worth the hassle."

John sighs and looks at me for my opinion.

"John, go. We will be fine. Besides, we will go explore the arena. Just call me when you get done and we can meet up. Okay?" I say with a smile across my face.

He kisses my cheek and releases a sigh. "Okay then I will go, but call me if you need me."

I nod my head. "I will. Have fun John. Oh and about tomorrow, I think that sounds fun. We will just have to get Emmy some skates as well unless you wanna see if Tree can watch her?"

John smiles, "We can do whichever."

I nod my head, "I'll figure something out." I say leaving a kiss on his cheek.

He nods and turns to Colin, "Okay, let's head up to the box. I need to drop some things off before we head to wherever you are taking me."

"No, problem. We can do whatever we need to do." Colin responds as he starts walking us towards the box we are staying in.

After a few minutes, we arrive at the box and John takes our stuff into the room, setting it down before heading over to me and placing a kiss on my cheek.

"I will be back in a few. I love you." He says setting Emmy down so she can go look out the window at the ice.

I smile and plant a short kiss on his lips, "See you later. We will be fine."

After a second he turns and follows Colin out the door.

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