Chapter 9

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Days continued to roll on, and the lives of Chaewon, Eunchae, and Kazuha became increasingly occupied by their volunteer training.

Meanwhile, Sakura, Garam and Yunjin were just as absorbed in their jobs. The nature of these jobs remained shrouded in mystery, with Chaewon attempting to pry information from Sakura, who playfully insisted they were secret.

As for Yunjin's issues, Chaewon had approached Sakura to inquire about them. However, Sakura maintained that it wasn't her place to reveal Yunjin's struggles and suggested that Chaewon discuss the matter directly with Yunjin if she wanted to know more.

The night air was calm as Kazuha and Yunjin sat together under the starry sky. It had been a while since they had a moment alone like this, and the silence between them was both comforting and contemplative.

Yunjin finally broke the silence, her voice soft and reflective. "Kazuha, I'm sorry for how I've been lately. It wasn't fair to you, and it's not your fault."

Kazuha turned to look at Yunjin, her eyes filled with understanding. "Yunjin, you don't have to apologize. I know you've been going through a lot, and I just want to help."

Yunjin sighed, her gaze fixed on the stars. "I appreciate that, Kazuha. It's just... sometimes, it's hard to let people in. I've always been like this, trying to carry my burdens alone."

Kazuha gently placed her hand on top of Yunjin's, a gesture of support. "I understand, Yunjin. But remember, you don't have to face everything by yourself. We're here for you, and we care about you."

Yunjin looked at Kazuha, her expression softening. "Thank you, Kazuha. It means more to me than I can express."

As they continued to sit side by side, the stars above seemed to twinkle a bit brighter, reflecting the hope that their bond would grow stronger and that Yunjin would find the peace she deserved.

The night was heavy with an oppressive silence. Yunjin's eyelids fluttered open, and she found herself drenched in sweat, gasping for air, tangled in the remnants of a haunting dream. Her room was shrouded in darkness, save for the faint glow of the moonlight streaming through her window.

Trembling, she reached for the glass of water on her nightstand. Her hands shook as she brought the cool liquid to her lips, hoping it would soothe her racing heart. She took a few slow, deliberate sips, each swallow a desperate attempt to calm her frayed nerves.

As the minutes passed, Yunjin's breath steadied, and she placed the glass back on the nightstand. She lay back down, closing her eyes, and willed herself to return to the sanctuary of sleep.

But then, a faint noise, like a distant echo, pierced the silence. Her eyes flew open again. The sound was coming from the room next door, Kazuha's room. Yunjin's concern grew as she strained to identify the source of the disturbance.

With caution, she swung her legs over the edge of her bed and stood. The floorboards creaked beneath her weight, but her determination to investigate overcame her fear.

She approached Kazuha's bedroom door and pressed her ear to it. The sound, unmistakably, was coming from within. Without hesitation, she pushed the door open and stepped inside.

The room was shrouded in shadows, and Yunjin's heart raced as she beheld the sight of her friend. Kazuha was in the throes of a night terror, writhing and whimpering in her sleep. Her face was contorted with fear, and her hands trembled.

Yunjin rushed to her side, her heart aching for her friend's distress. She knelt by the edge of the bed and gently shook Kazuha's shoulder.

"Kazuha, wake up! It's just a dream." Yunjin implored, her voice trembling with concern.

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