4~ Does He Drum?

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After school Tristan insisted we all went back to his house, he lived quite close to school so we didn't have to walk far. I texted my mum and told her I was stopping at a friends.

Tris' house was tiny, we all crammed into his bedroom with snacks and drinks.

I plopped myself on his bed, which was surprisingly comfy. James sat on the floor while Tris joined me on the bed with his laptop.

James suddenly spoke up, "Hey Tris, is my guitar still in your basement?"

Tris nodded, not looking up from his computer screen, "Yeah, go and grab it if ya want."

"Thanks," James got to his feet, "You comin' Brad? Tris has a sick basement."

I got up and dusted off my school trousers, "Sure."

I followed James into the back garden and to a small wooden door in the concrete patio. He unlocked it and pulled it open, revealing a small staircase leading into the dark basement. James effortlessly stepped down onto them whereas I had to lower myself down- because I was so short.

The basement was completely dark, until there was a flick of a switch and the room lit up. I stared in amazement, there was a sofa, a carpet, lamps scattered around and a drumkit in the middle of the room.

"Holy shit." I said in amazement, "This is fucking awesome."

James chuckled and wandered around the room slowly, "I know right. Me and Tris come here all the time."

I crouched down and examined the drumkit, "Does he drum?"

James nodded, "Yeah, he's really good too."

He pulled an acoustic guitar out from behind the sofa and sat down with it, fiddling with the keys.

I sat beside him, watching him intently.

"Do you play?" He asked curiously when he saw me staring.

"Yeah, and sing." I said nervously.

James' eyebrows shot up in surprise, "Seriously? Show me."

Before I had time to object, James shoved the guitar onto my lap.

Oh crap. What should I play?

I started strumming the tune to 'Pumped up kicks' and nervously singing. I'd never really sang in front of anyone before, it was simply a hobby I had.

I was surprised when James joined in singing at the chorus, his voice harmonised with mine and it was truly amazing. We sounded really good!

"What's taking you two so long-" Tristan interrupted as he lowered himself down into the basement, landing with a thud.

James cleared his throat, "Oh, Brad was just showing me a couple things on the guitar."

Tristan eyed us suspiciously, "Right... Well my mum just got home, so you guys better scram."

James walked me home, like the kind person he is.

"I'll call for you in the morning, alright?" He asked before I entered my home.

I nodded, "Sure, see you tomorrow."

I walked inside with a smile on my face, thank god I had friends.

Once again Connor Ball crept into my mind, he didn't have friends though.

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