16~ Stay

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I couldn't help the smile on my face. Connor's gay. An he'd just confessed that to me-- well, sort of.

Con didn't look very happy at all though. He stood at the side of the bed, his fists clenched and trembling, his chest falling and rising in sharp, laboured breaths. He looked like he was either about to cry, or hit me.

Suddenly he gripped onto his hair and kicked the bed, causing it to shake underneath me.

"For fucks sake!" He cried, his fists entangled in his hair as he paced up and down his bedroom. Occasionally kicking or punching the wall as I watched in horror.

I scrambled to my feet and nervously approached, "Hey... it's okay, there's nothing wrong with being gay. I'm gay."

Connor turned to me and hissed, his eyes glossy with tears, "I'm not a faggot like you!"

I pouted an furrowed my eyebrows. I could see why he was upset, he, the hardest boy in school, was secretly gay. It was understandable that he didn't want anyone to know. I had never seen him so upset before, he was hitting basically everything surrounding him. Grunting and yelling.

"Con, I'm not gonna tell anyone-" I reached out to comfort him, place a hand on his shoulder.

A sharp pain landed on my left cheek. Connor turned his back on me once more and started punching the wall again. My cheek almost felt numb with pain, I slowly reached up to touch it before wincing in agony.

He slapped me.

I gasped quietly, my eyes began filling with tears as I cradled the side of my face. He actually slapped me. Connor was paying no attention to me. I sniffed quietly as the pain in the side of my face became more intense. I was stupid to think that Connor cared about me, I was stupid to think that he didn't want to hurt me, I was stupid to think I was different to him.

I was just like Levi. Obsessed with him, stalked him, I knew his secret and I annoyed him to a point where violence was the only was to shut me up.

Connor's punches to the wall became more tired, more lazy. But still angry an upset.

Tears fell from my eyes, I let out a small cry. Not that he cared.

"Th-That hurt.." I squeaked.

Connor turned to me with a confused expression.

But when his gaze landed on my face, my teary eyes and the bright red mark on my cheek his eyes changed completely. Every sense of anger was gone. He looked, hurt, upset, guilty, heartbroken.

"D-Did I..?" Connor stammered and slowly approached me, looking at my face in concern.

He reached out to touch me with his shaky fingers. I flinched away from him in fear. His face fell completely.

I let out a small sob, my bottom lip wavering.

"Bradley, I-" He started stuttering, as if he too was about to break into tears, "I didn't mean to hit you."

"Well it sure felt like you did." I cried, frantically wiping tears away from my eyes.

Connor stood there with that stupid heartbroken expression on his face.

"I'm s-" Connor began but I cut him off, unaware of what he was about to say.

"I have been nothing but nice to you, Connor. I have worshipped you ever since I got here, how many people have put in this much effort with you? Cared about you like I do? Fucking nobody. I'm the only person that cares and you just have to go and treat me like a burden. I was so naive to think that you actually cared about me too, to think that we could be friends. To think that you could even try to like me as much as I adore you. And you just treat me like shit-" I couldn't continue. Because I fell to the floor and started sobbing. I'd never felt so low in my entire life. I crumpled onto Connor's bedroom floor, my head in my hands, and cried.

"I- I want to leave," I mumbled between sobs, "I want to go home."

I didn't dare to look up and meet Connor's eyes.

After around ten minutes of continued crying, I became weaker, sleepier. My sobs had died down ever so slightly.

I heard Connor sniffle a little too.

Suddenly I felt myself being enveloped in his arms. My eyes flew open in panic when he lifted me off the ground, cradling me in his arms like a baby or a bride. I didn't move in the slightest as he sat us both down on the bed, and pulled his duvet over my shoulders.

When I looked up at him, his eyes were filled with tears too. His expression was calming. He cradled my face with his shaky fingers and wiped away my tears as his slid down his face. His lips were trembling. His fingers brushed over the spot where he slapped me.

"I-I don't want you to leave." He murmered, his voice raw and low, merely a whisper.

"You just slapped me, Connor." I breathed.

He licked his lips and looked down at his hands in shame. Sniffing ever so slightly. Before his blue eyes met my brown ones.

"And there is nothing I regret more than laying hands on you, Bradley." His voice was genuine, his eyes sincere, "I didn't want to hurt you. I'm sorry."

His eyes flickered between mine, searching for some sort of reaction. Internally I felt like I was about to explode with emotion, passion, love. Externally, my expression didn't change.

Connor sighed in defeat and buried his head in his hands.

"Why do you act like you hate me so much?" I asked.

If what Connor was saying was true, that would mean that whenever he was dismissive, rude or nasty to me- it was an act. A lie. A cover up.

"I dunno." Connor mumbled, not bothering to look at me.

I simply nodded and climbed off the bed. If he wasn't going to give me an answer I wasn't going to give him my presence. As soon as I got off the bed Connor's head snapped up to look at me.

"I'm going home. If you're not going to talk to me, I-I'm not going to talk to you." I blubbered.

Connor shuffled to the end of the bed, staring up at me with his cold blue eyes as he took my hands in his.

"Darling, won't you stay here?" His voice came out as a mere squeak, a quiet beg.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Why was he being so needy? I liked it though.

"I'm asking you to wait." His thumb traced over the skin of my hand, "Because, darling if you stay here, I promise I can change."

I could feel myself on the verge of tears. The amount of times I have spent time with Connor and he'd say 'this doesn't make us friends', was this the same? Would he just reject me again afterwards? Was it worth it?

What was I thinking. Ever since I moved here I had adored Connor, and he'd always push me off. And now I was the one pushing him off? What had happened, what had changed? Why was he sat in front of me with my hands in his hands and tears in his eyes? Why was he begging me not to leave? Was it because he hurt me? Did he regret it? Did he... care?

I slowly lowered myself to my knees so that I was eye level with him as he sat on the bed.

"Darling, if you stay here, I can find a way."

He intertwined his fingers with mine on his lap, giving me a sad but hopeful smile.

"But only if you stay."

are y'all crying yet bc i sure am

my bronnor heart was breaking when con slapped him and brAD got super emo

but Connor wanted brad to stay???

SPEAKING OF STAY if you didn't catch on to the references, they were from the vamps' song stay. (There's a live version of the song at the top/side) SO LISTEN TO YHE SONG for extra emo-ness.


what's gonna happen next oooo ??


im so proud of myself I've been updating loads recently WOO GO ME

pls vote/comment/follow and I will love you forever ❤️🍆😜

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