13~ Measly Excuse Of Friendship

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I cautiously followed down the stairs and over to the dining table. I sat beside my mum and Connor sat beside his, so that we were directly opposite eachother.

We sat in silence as our mums starting helping themselves to food. They looked at us in concern, "Go on, eat up boys."

Me and Connor both started picking random food and placing it on our plates, I could that Connor was angry at me- by his body language, and the way he was glaring at me from across the table.

As our parents chatted I sighed and kept glancing up at Connor, to see he was still glaring. I sighed and poked at my broccoli with my fork. I didn't mean to upset Connor, I didn't mean anything I said. I just got overwhelmed and spilled out.

A sharp pain in my shin knocked me out of my daydream, "Ow!" I hissed, I looked up to see Connor glaring more, I assumed he kicked me under the table.

"What?" I muttered.

"Your mum is speaking to you." Connor said slowly.

I looked at my mum to see that she was looking at me expectantly, I was too busy daydreaming to hear her.

"Pardon, mum?"

She rolled her eyes, "I said, don't you want any sausages?"

I glanced down at my plate- which indeed was lacking sausages.

"Nah- I'm good, thanks." I said awkwardly, I did want sausages, but I didn't want to come across as greedy or anything.

My mum snickered and turned to face Connor's mum, "Silly boy, he loves sausages- he' usually gobbles 'em right up, eh hun?"

My mum didn't realise the sexual innuendo she just made, and apparently Connor's mum didn't either.

I did though, I started blushing furiously, and even thought my eyes were strained down at my food I could see Connor smirking, with a slight prevented giggle.

After a few minutes of avoiding eye contact with him, I gathered the courage to actually look him in the eye. Our mums were paying no attention, they were too busy chatting.

His eyes weren't harsh with anger anymore, but instead they held an emotion I could not quite place.

'I'm sorry' I mouthed to him, he raised an eyebrow as he sipped his drink.

'I didn't mean it' I mouthed again.

Connor nodded slowly and placed his drink down.

'You did though, didn't you?' Con mouthed back.

I shrugged with a hopeful smile, 'some of it'.

He rolled his eyes and angrily stabbed his mashed potato, I stared him down for the next five minutes, hoping he'd say something back to me, or even spare me a glance.

I was desperate, I couldn't have Connor finishing his meal and going home hating me, I had only just started properly speaking to him, I couldn't ruin what measly excuse of friendship we had over a petty argument.

I had to get his attention.

I slowly slid my foot along the kitchen floor under the table, in search of Connor's feet. Yes, it was weird, but I needed him to pay attention to me.

I kept my eyes locked on his as my foot searched, looking for some sort of reaction.

Eventually my socked foot landed on his, his eyes shot open wide and he looked up at me with a panicked look.

I felt his toes squirming, yet he did not move his foot away.

'I didn't mean to upset you' I mouthed as silent and sincerely as possible.

'I know'

I stared at him in confusion.

'Then why are you angry?'

'Because-' Connors mouth stopped moving when my mum started gathering out plates.

"You two must be stuffed!" Connors mum grinned as she stood up out of her chair.

"Are you staying for desert?" My mum smiled.

Kelly shook her head, "I'm afraid not, I'm off to work early next morning, I better get an early night."

They couldn't leave, not now. Connor hadn't finished what he was saying and I was dying to know what it was. And was he still pissed off? His angry eyes said he was, but the way his feet lay comfortably underneath mine under the table said otherwise.

Before I knew it the warmth underneath my feet was gone and Connor was on his.

"Brad sweetie, please see these two to the door?" My mum smiled as she loaded the dishwasher.

I practically jumped out of my chair and approached Connor straight away. I lead them to the door and Kelly stepped out onto the front garden.

"Oh gosh, Connor you're still in Brad's clothes!" Kelly gushed, "Maybe Bradley could come round to ours tomorrow and pick them up?"

Connor shot his mum a glare, "B-But you're working all day tomorrow?"

Kelly shrugged, "That's good! You two can spend some proper time together without me on your backs!" She winked.

"Lewis will be home." Connor was adamant on me not coming round, but I wasn't so sure.

"He's going to a birthday party." Kelly seemed like she was getting annoyed now.

Connor scoffed, "I thought he was 'ill', obviously not." 

"Oh shut up Connor, it's about time you made some friends, now hurry up." Kelly rolled her eyes and made her way down my drive.

Con tuned to me.

I half smiled, "You never finished what you were saying at the table?"

"I know." He said simply, "And I don't intend to."

I nodded slowly, he was obviously irritated at what his mum had just said to him, and I was just grateful he wasn't taking his anger out on me.

"I uh... I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" I said with a small smile.

Connor sighed and stepped out of the door, "I guess you will."

He gave me one more glance before I shut the door, but it wasn't an angry or irritated glance like they had been previously, it was a hopeful one.

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