12~ Wha Wiff?

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The brisk wind whipped at me and my mum as we approached Bradley's house. My t shirt was sipping wet with rain, I realised it was a bad idea to come out without a jacket.

Bradley was stood at the front door, holding it open.

"Hurry!" My mum ushered me into the doorway.

My eyes met Bradley's for a moment before I looked to the ground again. He stepped inside to let us in, my warm surroundings made me feel slightly more comfortable.

"Hello Bradley!" My mum pinched his cheek, making him blush a little, which was kinda cute. Kinda.

My mum took off her waterproof jacket as I stood shivering in the hall, kicking off my shoes.

Bradley's mum came running down the stairs, "Hey Kelly, this must be Connor?"

My mum kissed Anne-Marie on the cheek as I half smiled awkwardly, feeling Bradley's eyes on me still.

Anne-Marie lead us into the kitchen where the table was set, Bradley simply lingered in the doorway.

"Unfortunately dinner isn't quite ready yet, you boys can go upstairs for a while until it's ready?" Anne-Marie suggested.

My eyes widened, I shook my head ever so slightly and glanced back at Bradley, who looked just as hesitant as I did. The last thing I wanted to do was spend the night in a room with him. Especially after what happened with Calum.

"Go on then!" She shooed us, "Oh, and Brad, give Connor some clothes to change into. The poor boy's soaking."

I looked around slowly to see Bradley looking at me in fear, but there was something else there as well... adoration?

I cursed under my breath and approached Bradley, as we made our way up the stairs I muttered, "This doesn't make us friends."

Bradley laughed nervously, "You've said that to me already, in the store room."

I rolled my eyes and stepped into his room, it was decorated nicely and extremely tidy-- except the bed, which was odd.

"If you're wondering why my bed's messy, James and Tris were round before." Bradley smiled sheepishly.

I didn't respond, I stood in the middle of the room with my arms folded and a frown on my face. Bradley sighed and opened his wardrobe, "Wh-What do you wanna wear?"

I glanced down at my soaking wet outfit, my black jeans were clinging to my legs and my black t shirt was sopping.

"Anything." I mumbled.

Bradley's eyes ran up and down my soaked body and he began rummaging in the wardrobe. He pulled out a pair of grey sweats and a plain black t shirt.

I cautiously took them from him and said, "Should I get changed in the bathroom or..?"

"N-No." Bradley shook his head and made his way out the room, "I gotta pee anyway, get changed now."

Bradley left the room and I peeled off my wet clothes, his clothes fit quite nicely on me. I placed mine on the radiator with hope that they'd dry by the end of the night and crawled into Bradley's bed.

I sighed and spread my legs out, his bed was so comfy.

"I see you've made yourself at home." Bradley chuckled awkwardly as he re entered.

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