20~ JimJamJems

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I whistled to myself as I strolled down the empty corridor, it was half way through period 1, and I had asked my teacher if I could go and 'fill my water bottle up'.

I drummed my fingers on the hollow plastic bottle in synchronisation with my steps, until I reached the water fountain. As my bottle filled, I sent a text to James.

what room you in??? Xxx

He didn't reply. I sighed and started plodding up the corridor again, but paused when I heard a noise from in the store cupboard. I frowned and edged closer to the door slowly. I gently pressed my ear to it, my eyes flew open in shock when I heard a familiar voice inside.

"Actually, it just made things a whole lot more confusing." Bradley's voice was a mere whisper as he spoke.

I pulled back from the door and glanced up and down the corridor, nobody else was here, who the heck was he talking to?!

I pressed my ear to the door again.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed in my pocket, and it let out a loud notification noise. I immediately backed up and speed-tip-toed away from the closet, hoping whoever was inside didn't hear me.

I began walking down the corridor again, the text was from James.


I frowned on my way to his room, why had he not sent any kisses? I know it was stupid, but we always send kisses to each other.

I pulled out a post-it-note from my pocket and knocked on the door of James' classroom. I entered and pretended to read something off the post-it, so it looked like I'd been sent by a teacher.

"Uh, could I borrow James McVey please?" I said politely as possible.

The teacher nodded, my eyes moved over to James. He sighed and got out of his seat slowly, frowning the entire time it took for him to get out of the class room and shut the door behind him.

Why was he so miserable?

"What's up babe?" I examined his face.

He sighed, "Everything. Have you heard about Brad, Connor and Louis? Everyone's talking about it."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "No, why what's happened?"

"Basically Louis Tomlinson made a joke about Brad and Connor in front of everyone, and Connor started on him, and then apparently Connor like grabbed Brad's hand and stormed off with him."

My eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"And Louis keeps saying he's out to get Brad, but I doubt he will when Connors around. I mean, look what happened with Calum." James sounded obviously irritated.

"Do you think, maybe something happened when Brad went to Connor's house? They have spent basically the entire weekend together..." I trailed off.

James snorted, "Connor went round for dinner, and the next day Brad went to his to give Connor's clothes back. It's hardly a weekend together."

I furrowed my eyebrows, a slight smirk on my lips, "Since when were they sharing clothes?"

James chuckled, "I have no idea. He texted me about an hour ago saying that at lunch time he's gonna tell us everything about him and Connor. But you know what's weird? Connor is supposed to be in the lesson I'm in now, but he's not. And Brad isn't answering my texts.."

"I swear I've just heard Brad talking to somebody in the store room..." I mumbled.

I screwed my nose up in disgust, oh my god.

"I think he's with Connor, oh Jesus-" I felt panicked, although I've only known Brad for a week I worry for him. Especially when he's with Connor.

James groaned, resting his head on the wall of the corridor, "He's so stupid, I swear he just wants to be beaten up."

I chuckled a little and nodded. It was silent for a minute, you could tell we were both thinking about Brad and Connor though.

"If Louis does do anything nasty to Brad, I don't want to get involved. I don't want Louis hating me." James sighed.

"Seriously? You aren't even going to stick up for him?"

"Well," James pursed his lips, "I'm sat with him next lesson, I'll just hint at the fact that if he does anything bad to Brad, Connor will probably beat him up."

I grinned, glad that James had cheered up a little.

"Good plan."

Just as James was about to re-enter his classroom, there was the steady sound of footsteps coming up the corridor in our direction. Me and James gave each other the look.

It was Connor Ball.

He made an effort not to look at us when he walked past.

James whispered, "He's just come from the bloody store room."

I shushed him, I was about to do something I would never have dreamed of.

"Hey, Connor?" I said, my voice slightly shaky.

He stopped walking, and slowly turned his head to face us, a glare in his eyes.

"Have you uh... do you know where Brad is?" I stammered, my confidence completely disappeared under his cold gaze.

I expected him to attack me, or completely ignore me. I could feel myself panicking as he stood glaring at me still. James squeezed my arm tightly, as if telling me to shut up.

"No." Connor muttered and continued pacing down the corridor.

As soon as he was out of sight James slapped me on the arm and hissed, "You idiot! Why the fuck did you talk to him? He's insane!"

I couldn't help the grin on my lips, "He replied, didn't he?"

James tutted and rolled his eyes, "He lied. He obviously knows where Brad is, he was just with him."

"He's embarrassed of Brad." I sighed.

"So am I at the moment. He needs to leave Connor alone, or he's gonna get his ass kicked." James stated matter-of-factly.

I smiled and pressed a light kiss to his forehead, "Agreed. Now go to lesson, gay boy."

James smiled sadly, "Alright, I'll see you at lunchtime? I've got to see my tutor at break."

I nodded, "Alright JimJam, love you."

Something in James' expression changed as I said that.

He met my eyes as he turned the door handle, muttered, "No you don't." Before storming back into his classroom.


a trames chapter wtf

I haven't updated in like a month soz


I might update again tonight, I think it'll be Brads POV, where he's telling trames about Connor

(SHAMELESS SELF PROMO) can u guys go n read my other books if you don't already? THX

AND ALSO do any of you fancy making like a YouTube trailer for this book bc a couple of girls did some for unknown and diagnosis n I feel like this is my most popular book so you guys might be up for it??? IM SO THIRSTY IM SORRY BUTIT MAKES ME SO HAPPY WHEN PPL MAKE TRAILERS FOR MY BOOKS

pls vote/comment/follow and I will love you forever ✊💦

all the love, aimee

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