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3rd person

            The girl just rolled her eyes and said, "he's on a break right now so you have to wait until he comes back. " Minho nodded and went to sit down at the corner of the cafe.

      Suddenly the bell of the shop ringed, Minho looked up from his phone and noticed the boy he was looking for and some guy tbh Minho felt angry at the boy next to jisung.
Minho got up and said "jisung right? " trying not to scare the boy in front of him.

    "Umm yes, do I know you? " jisung said scared a little. While Jisung's friend beside him pulled him like he was trying to protect him from Minho, Minho felt pissed at the boy even more then before.

    "Yes, your step mother sold you to me so let's go. " Minho said calmly.
Jisung's eyes widen by the news .

     " what! No way I'm going with a stranger! "Jisung's shouted at Minho but Minho just started dragging him to his car leaving jisung's friend and the girl in shock.

A/N~New chapter, my exams are almost doneeeee .

●Possessive ● Minsung Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt