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3rd person

At the van
(*seungmin got into the camera's before they came*)

         The members was watching everything , they had actually kept the camera away from minho but minho saw the camera and immediately got out of his sit ready to kill . They rest had to hold back minho from killing the leader so fast as it will ruin their plan.

        "Minho you can have dips later but you can't ruin the plan we need this plan to work! " chan tried to clam him down. Minho looked at him in disbelief.

        "If that was jeongin how would you feel! " Minho shoutee trying to break free from changbin and chan.
Chan had no idea what to do until "seungmin did you remember to give jisung his in ear piece? " chan questioned, seungmin immediately nodded and took out his in ear and tried to connect his and jisung's in ear.

          "Got it! " seungmin said everyone looked at him including Minho. Seungmin was trying to talk but the connection was bad as shit.
Seungmin was finally able to reach jisung.
A/n~new chapterrrrrr!!!

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