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3rd person

      Minho brought jisung to his room .
"This is your room, you will be sharing with , I'll tell the guards to go to your house to get everything. " Minho said. Jisung nodded to scared to protest from Minho.

      "Anyways let's go I'll introduce you to the rest " Minho said, jisung just mumbled a small "yes" and followed Minho shyly down the stairs. Everyone was sitting together in the living room . It was silent until chan spoke.

" alright so this is jisung he is new so please be kind to him so now let's introduce ourselves " chan said. Everyone started looking at each other waiting for one person to start until a very sassy voice said

    "Omg hi I'm hyunjin nice too meet you, I'm 21 saurrrr I'm guessing I'm older. " hyunjin said out of nowhere.
Once hyunjin finished no one else want to speak

        "Well since no ones one's else is going start I will then. Hi I'm bang chan you can call me chan and I am 22 years old and also the leader! " chan said, the last part made jisung very confused but he decided not to say anything

  A/N~new update yippieee.

●Possessive ● Minsung Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora