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3rd person

Minho brought jisung to his room and and said, "so I'm minho and your parents sold you to me so you have to listen to me ok? " jisung nodded still scared on what minho will do.
"You will be living with me from today onwards . " minho said, again jisung nodded but with a slight Hesitate.

Minho brought jisung downstairs to eat dinner. Once they had eaten they went to sleep together on the same bed.

Time skip

Minho and jisung soon dated and same goes for hyunjin , changlix and jeongchan.

Minho and jisung were cuddled together watching movie together with the rest of the members. They were happy and everything until something happened there was a loud bang. Everyone got up and looked at the direction of the sound. Soon chan realized that they were going to be attacked and told the members to quickly pack their bags and leave to their hide out.

Minho grab jisung and brought him too their room "baby stay close to me ok" Minho said jisung slowly nodded and moved closer to Minho and hugged him.
"Baby I need to pack ok" Minho trying to ask his baby to move for awhile but jisung didn't move .

A/n~new updateeeeeeee. Sorry for the time skip 😭

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