The End of Peace

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( As  Fowler and team prime reached the hangar where the man-made machines were being made. Members of Team Prime quickly ran into the hangar after spotting Miko and Raf. Who was currently working on one of the machines )

" ( Runs over to Miko and Raf and then stops beside them). Hey there Miko, how's it been?" Asked  Bulkhead as  Miko and  Raf turned to look at him and the rest of team Prime. " Hey there  Bulkhead, how have you guys been?" Asked  Miko. " It's Been a while since we saw you guys." Said  Rafiel. " We came by to see how everyone's doing. That was until we heard about Serena. ( Looks at the hundreds of mechs that were lined up in a row). What do you call these things?" asked Bumblebee. " We call them the Union SX. We created these to act as foot soldiers for the ship over there and act as a defense for the planet. " Said Miko." I've even been tasked with forming a team to traverse space." Said  Fowler. " I want in on the team. Serena's out there somewhere and I want in." Said Arcee. " That sounds good. The team was going to comprise fo myself, Miko, Rafiel, you, Bumblebee, Bulkhead,   smokescreen, Optimus, and a few more spots since every other spot was taken to fill the role of Both Mechanics and technicians that under Rafiel and Miko." Said Fowler as a video suddenly appeared on the main screen across from them.

( United Union GNX)

( United Union GNX)

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" To all people of the United Union Nations

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" To all people of the United Union Nations.  My name is Marcus,  With me are my fellow conspirators of what you will soon know as the Legion. We are a group that will soon bring a new area to the galaxy. An Era that will soon surpass those of your so-called United Union. Those in that society have vastly prolonged our society's rise to power. Especially given how they have refused to entice our supposed alien allies to hand over more technology. Today, I am here to tell you that as of this moment.  We, the legion, will rid our fair world of any and all those who would dare to hold our society back from achieving a brighter future for our kind. Along with any vile corruption. ( We will begin by attacking one of the union's major facilities. The ones in Japan and Russia should work should surface." Said Marcus with a smile. " He's targeting our allied facilities. But the question is, how does he plan on doing that?" Said Fowler. " ( Notices something appear on his monitor). Sir, sensors are picking up unidentified ships entering Japan and Russia's orbit." Said the Intel officer. 

( Unknown ships)

( Unknown ships)

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" Put in on the main screen soldier, let's see what's going on

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" Put in on the main screen soldier, let's see what's going on." Said Fowler as the main monitor brought up two different areas but focused on the two ships descending from above Russia and  Japan. " What the, what kind of ships are those? They seem to be assault-class cruisers. But why do I suddenly have an uneasy feeling." Said Miko. " ( Gasp as she watches what look to be mobile suits ejecting from both ships at both locations. Before watching as the mobile suits attack both the Union facilities and the neighboring cities as the Union facilities try to mobilize their mobile suits for a counterattack). Those poor people,  they're caught in a war that they are not a part of." Said Elita. " ( Smiles with glee).  Members of the United Union. Take this attack however you wish. But as of now. We, the  Legion. Have declared all-out war against you and your robot allies." Said  Marcus with glee while the two  Legion ships left the area destroying Union facilities and cities that were burning and blowing up from all the damage done to them.

 " That monster, has he lost his mind? There were innocent people in those cities." Said Bumblebee. " ( Looks at  Optimus who has a faraway look on his face). Serena saw this from wherever she is, didn't she?" Asked  Elita as everyone turned to Look at  Optimus. "No, that was not what was n my mind. For I have not felt anything from the k/ey as of yet. However, since this man is targeting Cybertronians. It would stand to reason that he may target our home planet of  Cybertron." Said Optimus as every member of team Prime quickly gasped in shock. " (Looks at  Mikoand  Rafiel). How much longer till the ship is ready yet? We need to be prepared in case the  Legion comes here." Said  Fowler. "It's nearly there, just a couple more months and it will be all done. ( Looks at team Prime). We could have the ships done, along with the crew and  Mobile suits aboard the ships in three months if you guys gave us a hand. " Said  Miko as she and  Raf got back to working on the mobile suit that they had been working on. 

" You got it, we'll have you guys get done in half that time. Let's get to work gang." Said  Bulkhead as he, Bumblebee, Jazz, Smokescreen, Sideswipe, Wheeljack Ultra Magnus, and Strongarm ran over to help the engineers finish building the Union ships that were located in that hangar bay. " ( Looks at  Arcee who did not run off with the rest of the group). Is something wrong Arcee?" Asked  Elita as  Optimus looked down at her. " Sorry, it's just that. I'm worried about Serena. I feel as if in this war,  our reunion may not be what I hope it will be." Said Arcee. " Makes sense,  Serena leaves with an unknown group and hasn't been heard from. Then this group comes out of nowhere. Thats why I asked  Mrs. Darby to come along with us. Her skills as a doctor have improved since you've all been gone. She is now one of the many head doctors here in Jasper. I even had her drive over here  so that she can be ready for when we leave." Said  Fowler as he pointed to a blue car that was quickly pulling into the base before then stopping as June Darby exited the car. " Well, at least you get to meet my partner's mother, and my other charge." Said  Arcee as she and  Elita walked over to  June who was smiling at them.

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