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"You've got to be kidding me." Minji muttered under her breath as she examined the huge house in front of her- probably more huge than Haerin's.

The ash blonde haired went to the address where Yujin ordered her to go to.

She read the address' name again on a piece of paper that Yujin ripped on her notepad and looked at the huge gate again, ogling at it and the more she stared, the more she felt intimidated.

"The address was right. But what the fuck? This mansion, huge as shit! No way. Yujin probably wrote the wrong address." Minji whispered at herself and crumpled the paper with her hand before throwing it away, watching it bounce to the ground for a few times and rolled along the sidewalk.

She took a deep breath and recalled what she and Yujin talked about yesterday after school.


"I'm going to what now!?" The taller girl yelled, obviously shocked when Yujin finally told her what the job was.

The job caught her off guard.

Yujin winced at the loud voice. "Tsh, no need to shout! Yes, the job is babysitting." She boredly repeated, munching on her gum.

Minji shook her head, unamused. She then stared at the other girl with wide eyes. "No shit, are you joking?" She asked once again. Babysitting?

The other girl growled at her. "Oh my god! Just say if you want to take the job or what! The pay is good and you will just take care of the child! I know you do well with kids. Come on this is only once in a blue moon and this is your chance!" Yujin said, annoyed while Minji just pressed her lips together, still hesitating.

Yeah, she does well with kids but they make her stress build up more. Kids are annoying sometimes. And by the sound of that, the kid she will babysit of must be a spoiled brat. Minji hates spoiled brats, it's hard to get along with them.

"Look, Minji. Consider yourself very lucky that I recommended you this job. This job will make you eat three meals a day and also you can pay with your rent without much hassle and stress." Yujin explained with a soft tone.

The taller girl sighed, defeated. She really needs money and to get that, she will just babysit a little child, what's so wrong with that?

"Fine. I'll take that damn job." Minji said, deflating, finally making the other girl smile.


She slumped her shoulders down and sighed deeply. This job is probably not for her.

She was about to go home when the smaller gate on the corner opened, making her flinch. She turned to the gate and saw a middle-aged man with a friendly smile on his lips.

"You must be Kim Minji?" The guy asked, and the girl slowly nodded, confused.

The guy smiled brightly before opening the gate wider. "Finally! Good day, Miss Minji. Miss Pham is waiting for your arrival. Come in." He said and gestured to her to come in.

Minji's eyes widened and slowly, a smile crept up on her face. "Yes! Good day to you also, Sir." She greeted and bowed a bit before going inside. She can't help but gawk at the beautiful and huge place.

The middle aged man chuckled at her act. "Please call me, Mr. Choi. And I expect that we will be workmates?" He said as he closed the gate before leading the way to the house. Minji followed her, still scanning her surroundings with agape mouth.

"Oh. You work here as?" The tall girl can't help but to be curious.

The man looked at her over his shoulders and smiled a little. "I'm the guard of this huge place." He answered, even gesturing the place. Minji nodded and smiled brightly at the man. It took a few minutes before they reached the front door, it was huge and it was dark brown- it looked very expensive. The man opened it and gestured to her to come inside first. Minji gave her a smile before stepping inside.

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