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"Hey, Minji. Wanna hang out later with us?" Hyein said, her mouth full of cupcake. Eunchae playfully slapped her arm and scolded her.

The ash blonde haired girl hummed. "I dont know... I need to babysit, Rei." She replied before turning her attention on the book again.

She heard Kazuha snickered beside her. "Pshh! It's been more than a month or two since you worked there and we havent hung out for a while! Is Rei more important than us?" Her friend sadly asked, leaning her head closer to Minji.

"In a time like this? Yes. I need money, you cant provide me shelter and food." She answered flicked Kazuha's forehead.

The girl rubbed her forehead and growled at her. "Ugh, I swear Kim Minji." She whined and comtinued eating her lunch with a grumpy expression.

Haerin laughed because of Kazuha's face and almost choked on her juice.

Eunchae spoke. "I really want to hang out now because for sure when Saturday comes, Kyujin will borrow some money from me again." She said while writing down some notes.

Yujin turned to the reading ash blonde haired girl. "I'm sure Hanni wont mind you being late at your work. Shushua can take care of Rei for the meantime." She said and took out her phone, ready to call the woman.

Minji looked at her in horror and tried to get the phone from the shorter girl. "Noooo!" She shouted, earning attention from the students who's also in the cafeteria.

Haerin looked at her, weirdly. "Woah, Minji. When did you ever loved your job? You will kill for a day-off." She remarked before snorting.

Minji awkwardly laughed before looking at Eunchae. She narrowed her eyes on her which means help. But the girl just shrugged.

She then turned to Yujin who's also looking at her suspiciously, and her brow was arched. "Uhhh... It's e-embarrassing if i will request some few hours. I-I dont want H-Hanni to think that i'm d-ditching my job and just taking a-advantage of her kindness! Yeah, t-thats it..." She said, rubbing her nape awkwardly.

"Hanni isnt the kind of person who judges people easily by just doing a small thing, Minji. I swear she will understand. Besides, i'm the one who will request though, why so nervous?" Yujin said before slowly putting down her phone.

Before Minji can respond, Kazuha spoke. "Yeah! It's so weird seeing you act like this Minji. And is this Hanni, your boss? Why do you look like you're afraid of her? As what Yujin said earlier, she doesnt look like she's scary at all." She asked, before putting a spoonful of rice on her mouth.

The ash blonde haired girl scoffed. "She's a CEO of an Airline, Nakamura Kazuha."

Her friend squinted eyes on her. "I know. But she's not the one you're babysitting though."

"It's her daughter, fool."

"Dont glare at me like that! One more and i'll think that you're ditching us for her!" Kazuha yelled, raising her chin up.

Minji blushed but immediately recovered. "It's n-not like that! I-I dont want to lose this job! The pay is high and there's free food." She reasoned.

Kazuha made a face and Eunchae smirked.

"Or you dont wanna lose her." Eunchae whispered suddenly and all of the girls in the table turned their heads in her.

Minji looked at her with wide eyes while the others was confused. Eunchae pursed her lips and mentally facepalmed.

"What do you mean? Who are you taking about?" Hyein asked, while munching some chips. Haerin and Kazuha looked at each other and blinked.

Yujin was just calm and Minji's nervous as heck. Her eyes darted on Eunchae.

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