The Broken Window

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Marinette was at Adrien's house while there was an Akuma attack on Paris, but it was strange that Gabriel was with Marinette during the attack, which means he didn't create it. With Marinette still in the room, he walks over to the safe and sees that the butterfly miraculous is missing. He checks the camera system that he added after Felix tried to steal the peacock before he traded the miraculous. In the recording, he sees Lila Rosa steal it from the safe. Not knowing what Gabriel is doing, Marinette runs to Adrien's room to see if he is okay and sees a cataclysm hit the security gate over the window. She transformed into Ladybug, jumped out the window, went to the battle, and saw Chat Noir fighting the villain who seemed more powerful. She helps Chat Noir defeat the villain and returns to the window to find Adrien in his room again. She transforms back into Marinette and sneaks back into the house. She goes to his room, checks on him, and sees him lying on his couch. She quickly leaves before he sees her. She goes downstairs and sits on the stairs, her heart pounding as she tries to process that Adrien could be Chat Noir. She gets up and goes into Gabriel's Office, and they continue their work. Marinette tries to focus on her work, but her mind keeps returning to Adrien. She feels overwhelmed with emotion and decides to take a break. She goes outside and tries to clear her head. She feels a mix of emotions, excitement and fear. She knows she has to tell Adrien the truth, but she's scared about how he'll react. She decides to wait until tomorrow to talk to him. She goes back inside and resumes her work. She feels a little better but is still anxious about the outcome of her conversation with Adrien. She decides to go to sleep and face tomorrow with courage and confidence.

The next day after school, Gabriel shows Marinette a project he has been working on in two of the many spare bedrooms. He turned them into a bedroom for her when she stayed overnight. Also, he gave her an office so she could work on the clothing line that he gave her. She admires how he grasps Marinette's personality and designs the room to reflect her. She thanks and hugs him to show how much she appreciates him. She goes to Adrien's room, and Adrien Gives her a passionate kiss on her lips and congratulates her on the new room. She tells him that she can't wait to show her mother.

Adrien smiles and tells her that he's proud of her. She hugs him again, rubs his dick, and whispers that she knows he is Chat Noir. She smiles and walks away, leaving him with a satisfied grin. He watches her go with his heart in his throat. He knows their relationship will get even closer since she put together that he is the hero she has been fighting with for the past year. He feels a mix of emotions - joy, fear, and excitement. He knows his life is about to change and is nervous and excited about the future. Chat Noir tells Ladybug that he is in love with someone and that she figured out his identity. He asks her what he should do and if he has to return his miraculous. Ladybug told him as long as she is trusted, you don't have to give back your miraculous. Chat Noir smiles and thanks her. He tells her that he will always be around to help or talk with her about anything.

Ladybug smiles back at him and expresses her gratitude for his continuous support. She reassures him that their partnership, both as superheroes and as friends, will remain unchanged despite the newfound knowledge. Chat Noir feels a sense of relief wash over him, grateful for Ladybug's understanding and acceptance. As they continue to fight villains together, their bond grows stronger, fueling their determination to protect Paris and each other. Despite the challenges and uncertainties that lie ahead, Chat Noir feels a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

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