S1E2 - Crashing Into You

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The bullet rips through me and for a second I don't even feel it. But then there is a sharp burn and the familar feel of blood running down my skin. Fuck, I've been shot.

I fall back onto the ground and Lucy shoots off several more rounds, hitting one of the assailants. Then she does a mag change and rounds the back of the patrol shop and grabs the shoulder of my uniform and pulls me back. My wound pulls when she does it, pulling a pained grunt from me. She looks down at the red pooling on my uniform and frowns.

"What are you doing? Keep shooting!" I tell her. I don't want to die here. I don't want her to die here. She's a rookie. It's her first day on the job.

She immediately complies and turns back around and shoots off several more rounds. Suddenly, she pops the trunk and pulls out the shotgun. Its a pretty good idea and I'm surprised she thinks so quick on her feet. She also pulls her radio and calls in my GSW. For 3 and a half minutes she holds the assailant's back until backup arrives. Once they are detained she runs over to where I am slouched against the shop putting as much pressure on my wound as possible. Its painful, but its also keeping me alive.

Lucy rips her uniform shirt open, popping all the buttons. She's in a skimpy tank top underneath but her cleavage peaks out. Her tits aren't big enough to be a hinderance but they are more than enough to fill my hand. She quickly undoes the bottom buttons of my uniform to get closer to my wound. She pulls my white, blood soaked t-shirt up to inspect the damage. Her fingers trail up my abdomen as she pulls up my shirt and it sets my every nerve on fire.

She pulls out a pocket knife and starts cutting up my t-shirt and packing it into the wound. It's painful but her focused attention on me feels so very good. And her breasts jiggle in my face.

I imagine touching them, groping her as she tends to my wounds and suddenly I am. It feels so real, and I can't stop myself from indulging. This woman is beautiful, smart, and fierce. Why wouldn't I be attracted to her?

Suddenly Lucy has me all wrapped up. She's got my blood on her hands and shirt and she's straddling my lap. Her arms wrap around my neck and she whispers, "how does that feel?"

"Really fucking good," I respond as my pants grow tight and she rubs against me. My hands land on her hips as I grind up into her. It feels so real.

"You scared me, Tim." She groaned gutterally in my ear, her hands roaming my body like she was checking that I was safe and all my wounds were patched up. Her hands traced my scars and I shiver. "I thought you were going to die," She whispered tracing my bare chest.

"And leave you?" I smirked back at her. She was being silly. I would never leave her like this.

Suddenly, her figure changed. It wasn't Lucy straddling me it was Isabel.

"You left me." My wife stared back at me, pouting like I was the bad guy.

"That's not true." I argued, trying to push her off of me. This was wrong.

"What's wrong honey, did you forget about me?"

"You left me!" I shouted into the ether and suddenly everything was gone. I huffed a few heavy and confused breaths.

In the distance I saw Lucy walking toward me. She was back. I breathed a sigh of relief. "I didn't leave you." She whispered sheepishly and stood just a few feet away. I reached out to her but she seemed to be just out of reach.

I bolted upright gasping. My brain felt like it was melting. What just happened?

My cock was rock hard and throbbing, my thoughts were running a million miles a minute and I kept replaying the dream in my head. My brain got caught up in the beginning.

Lucy being a badass, saving my life, and straddling me. Only one part of that was a fantasy and the fantasy was delicious. I pulled my throbbing cock out and spit in my hand. I gripped my cock and started pumping. I was so riled up by her I had to let loose. I recalled the lucidity of the dream. Her touch lighting me on fire. Her full breasts pressed up against my chest and her heat rubbing my cock. I wanted to sink into her wet heat. I wanted to bury myself deep inside her and just let go. And I did. My sticky seed let loose and covered my hand and abdomen. I heaved a sigh and laid back. Exhausted and energized at the same time.

I grabbed a dirty t-shirt and cleaned up and laid back down in bed. I tried to relax and close my eyes but my mind kept going back to Dream Lucy. She felt like home but I couldn't have that.

I was married. I was her training officer. She's a rookie! A literal, day-one fucking rookie. She my co-worker. This was my career. I couldn't fuck with my career. It's the only thing I have right now. Which is why I decided then and there to lock down any and all feelings for Lucy Chen. I would not think about her, dream about her or fantasize about her ever again.

Which began the hardest excercise of discipline I have ever done. I boxed up anything not work related and stuffed it deep down. I would straighten everything out when I got back to work and keep her strictly in the professional zone. I was her training officer, that was it.

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