S2E1 - Impact

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Something happened in that house and now it was haunting me. I expected the gruesome image of Mr. Langston to bother me during my leave from work, but it oddly enough it wasn't. Maybe I didn't have the mental capacity to process everything, but the problem I was currently hung up on went by the name of Lucy Chen.

I was at a complete loss at what do to with her. She was my rookie, that is all I should care about, but I didn't. I cared much more than I cared to admit. I wanted to know her in ways that weren't professionally possible, but that didn't stop me from fantasizing. 

"Tim... Tim.." 

She called my name. It sounded so alluring coming from her lips. 

I shouldn't love her. I shouldn't run when she calls. But nothing could stop me from being completely consumed by her. She owned me and she didn't even know it. 

If I hear my name, I will run her way. 

I searched for her everywhere and when I found her she was the only thing illuminated. She was sitting on the floor with her back up against a door. This place was familiar but I didn't pay much attention to it. 

She was crying. Between sniffles, she would whine. "Tim..."

"Hey, I'm here. I would never leave you." I said as I dropped to the floor next to her and pulled her to me. And it was true, I would never leave her, she was the only thing good in my life most days.

She started sobbing into my shirt and I just held her. 

"You scared me," she finally whispered.

"I know. I'm sorry." I whispered back as I ran my hand through her hair and held her body close to mine. 

"You could have died." She started crying into my shirt again, her hands clutching at my chest.

"But I didn't." I reminded her, my hand rubbing her back in a soothing manner. Besides, I'm not that easy to take out, I'm tougher than that. 

"You locked me out." She said, suddenly glaring up at me.

"To protect you," I replied simply with a shrug. 

"What if I don't want you to protect me anymore?" she asked, and I knew we weren't talking about the quarantine house anymore.

"It's complicated..." I replied hesitantly, my body already responding to what it wanted. She's right there in my arms, practically crying on my chest. It feels so natural to hold her like this, like I had been waiting my whole life to meet her. It was ridiculous but true. 

She smirked at me as her body language shifted from sad and vulnerable to sexy and seducing. Lucy had a power over me that I couldn't describe, but I was always weak to her in my dreams. Like now, when I know this isn't really happening but I desperately want whatever I can have anyway. I want her sultry stares, her soft lips, her curves pressed against me. I wanted it all. 

It was wrong of me to indulge, but resistance was futile. I am free in this realm. Free to kiss her, love her, hold her, and just be with her. 

I pulled her into my lap where she straddled me as we leaned up against the door and started making out like some teenagers. My hands landed on her hips as she was grinding down on me. I was so hard it was almost embarrassing. She shouldn't turn me on this much but she does. I can't get enough. 

She had curves that Isabel didn't. I didn't like comparing the two because they were nothing alike, but Lucy was just softer and that made me feel harder. 

"I wish this was real..." I groaned, I wanted this so much more than I should. Then it all started to dissolve...

I woke up from the vivid dream of her on my lap with a raging hard on. This had been happening more frequently. I had no control over it, I just had to manage it. 

With a whine I gripped my engorged cock and started pumping. Fucking Lucy Chen. Just closing my eyes I could still feel the remnants of my dream. I held onto the feeling of her body pressed to mine, the sweet scent of her shampoo, and that feeling of her wanting me too. I wanted to indulge in her but also be her source of pleasure. I would make it my mission to learn exactly what she likes and master her pleasure for her. She would never want another man again. Just the idea of completely and wholly making her mine was enough to set me off. The hot cum erupting from me hit me in the chest repeatedly. For a moment I began to wonder if it would stop as wave after wave would hit me. 

But it did stop and when it did I was confident I had nothing left. I was exhausted, dirty, and spent. I looked over to my alarm clock to see that it was early, but I got up anyway. I didn't have anywhere to be, but going back to sleep was not an option right now. I couldn't trust myself. I was supposed to be getting space from Lucy Chen, but apparently, it didn't matter that we were on a 2-week leave from work because she was haunting my dreams. She followed me everywhere and I couldn't escape her. 

I hoped maybe a shower, a workout, and maybe some TV would help distract me for a little bit. So that's what I did, but the vivid dream continued to haunt me. I couldn't stop thinking about it. 

My day became exponentially worse when my doorbell rang. I cocked my head and muted my TV, curious as to who would come over unannounced. I got up and went to the door and stopped to look through the peephole. It was Lucy Chen, standing on my doorstep with some sort of container in her hands.

She knocked next, then shouted. "Hey, Tim. It's me, Lucy." 

I put my hand on the doorknob to open it, but then I stopped myself. What happens if I open this door? What happens if I invite her in because she is being friendly and that is what friends do? What happens when we end up sitting on my couch, chatting, then suddenly making out? What happens when making out escalates and I take her to my bedroom? 

We would never be able to undo that. She can't be here. She shouldn't be here. I'll just pretend I'm not here or that I didn't hear her. I left the door closed and went to my room and laid down on my bed in frustration. She knocked a couple more times and then left, but I stayed in bed. I rarely had time off from work, and usually, I enjoyed that time, but now I was starting to miss it. At least there we had professional boundaries, and the job to focus on. At home I had nothing, I needed better hobbies. 

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up an hour later from a refreshing dreamless nap. Instinctually I looked out the peephole to make sure no one was there, and there wasn't a person, but someone had left something and I know who it was.

I opened my front door and sitting on my doorstep was a food container with a pink post-it note on top. I picked up the container. 

Healthy food helps you heal faster. Enjoy. ~ Lucy 

I brought the container in and shut the door. I was hit with a barrage of conflicting emotions, all of which made me uncomfortable. I was her T.O. Nothing more. I was her T.O. Nothing more. I was her T.O. Nothing more.

Did repeating it help? No, not really. But this had to stop. When we resumed duty we would go back to strictly being co-workers. I was her superior, not her friend and I would remind her of that. We shared a job, not a life. 

With my mind set, I opened the container to see what she brought me and I was surprised to see my favorite tacos. Even though they were cold my mouth watered and I realized I couldn't even throw the dish away, I hated wasting food. So I heated the tacos up and then vowed Chen would never get my food for me again. She shouldn't be allowed to know me this well. 

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