S1E18 - Homefront

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We played for a couple of hours and when we turned in our gear we were both grinning happily. It was actually a lot of fun, I never would have considered doing this without Lucy. We both climbed back into my car and I drove her back to the station to drop her off.

"Um, thank you." I said before she got out, "I had a lot of fun tonight."

"See, that wasn't so hard now was it." She smirked over at me. You have no idea...

"Get out. I still have studying to do tonight." I replied, ignoring her implication.

"Fine, go study. I will see you tomorrow." She smiled, getting out and shutting the car door. I waited and watched as she walked over to her little orange car and got in. I drove off then with the plan to study but knowing that wasn't going to happen. No, tonight I would be drinking a couple of beers while I reminded myself of all the reasons why it was inappropriate to have feelings for my rookie before falling asleep and dreaming of the girl I couldn't have.


From the moment Lucy stepped out of the car my reality had been crashing in.

Tonight was more than fun, tonight felt like a date. I so badly wanted to continue our night. I was having so much fun with her and I didn't want it to end, but it had to.

I couldn't have feelings for my rookie. I shouldn't be attracted to my rookie. I shouldn't want to kiss and touch and explore my rookie but apparently god was mad at me and this was my punishment because I wanted all of it. I wanted her all of her.

Lucy Chen. A rookie who has been on the job for less than 6 months, was bringing me to my methaphorical knees.

After thoroughly berating myself on my drive home, I entered my alarm code and went straight to the fridge for a beer. I needed something to cool me, dull my senses, and help me relax and tonight this would do the trick. I would drink this beer, take a shower maybe have one more then I would focus on studying for my sergeants exam.

I had nothing better to focus on except for my primary distraction, Lucy fucking Chen. I couldn't escape her. I spent all day at work with her and then even when I come home I am still thinking about her.

Like now, where I wonder what she's up to, who she's talking to, if she thinks about me as much as I think about her.

Or my thoughts will turn inappropriate. So very inappropriate for my rookie. I've trained female officer's before, and I was never attracted to them or the power dynamic, but with Lucy?

Lucy makes me feel things I've never felt before. She makes me want things I that I shouldn't want or imagine.

I drank more of my beer and headed to the bedroom. I had already slipped off my shoes at the door, so I set my half empty beer down on the nightstand then took my shirt off and tossed it into my clothes basket. I took my pants next and finally my boxers and socks. Naked, I picked up my beer and finished the can, tossing it into the garbage then heading to the shower.

I turned on the warm water and stepped in. I hung my head and just let the water wash over me. Maybe I would get lucky this time and it would rinse the dirty thoughts from my head.

Dream Lucy always haunted me in the shower and this time was no different.

Dream lucy was here to take charge. I imagined the jeans and jacket she wore paintballing. Then I imagined bringing her home with me instead of dropping her off at her car.

We would have come in, maybe shared a beer together. Sit on the couch and put a movie on, and when it got boring she'd glance over at me with a sultry look that'd tell me exactly what she was thinking.

I'd stretch and drape my arm behind her before making contact with the tips of my finger dancing on her skin.
She'd lean into me and we would "cuddle" on the couch until her hand got curious and started exploring my thigh. She'd touch my leg hesitantly before growing more confident and giving me a daring look.

We'd lock eye contact and I'd grow impatient and I'd pull her into my lap so that I could kiss her. I would ravish her then pick her up and carry her to my bed. The thought of Lucy Chen in my bed excited me.

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