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Third POV

Canada , China , Germany , Mexico , Russia and USA went to the store to buy food . After finished for three hours , ( They kept arguing or doing stupid stuff . ) they finally managed to finish buying the food . They said their goodbye , Canada and USA hugged together for one last time and walked away in different path . Japan and Mexico walked together since they lived together with Italy , USA proposed he'll drive them home but they refused and then an argument began again .

. . .

Russia POV

Today will be a long day of socializing , I took a long nap just for be prepared for today . I checked my stuff if I had everything I need for the year , thankfully , I didn't forgot something , I'm usually that one friend who forgot almost everything . As I was checking my things , Canada in the other hand tried to calm himself down from his anxiety , I understand him , hiding from his siblings will be hard but it's fine the time they don't have a lot of class together or meet themselves in the hallways by accident . After give minutes , I sighed and looked at Canada watching at nothing but looking like he was lost in thoughts , his eyes were completely empty . I walked to him and hugged him , I surprised him but he hugged back quickly .

"Hey , you good man ? " I asked .

"Y-yeah . . . " He replies .

I could feel some tears falling on my shoulder then I heard Canada sobbing .

". . S-sorry . . . " He finally broke .

"It's ok . " I reply rubbing his back .

"I'm not ready yet . . . " Canada sighs .

"Don't worry , you can skip class . We don't have any exam today , you're good . " I reassure .

"I don't want to skip class , my grades are bad and being missing in class wouldn't help it more . " He replies .

"That's the reason why you are falling apart , you force yourself too much . Take it easy , I promise I'll give you your homeworks when I go back home . " I say .

"Ok . . " He sniffed .

"Great , what do you want for breakfast ? " I ask .

"Pancakes with syrup maple . " He answers .

"Okay , I'll get ya this . " I say as I walked downstairs and I'm getting some money to buy some pancakes .

I got ready to go and went buy some pancakes , leaving Canada alone with China and Germany .

Canada POV

I missed Russia already , it's been only five minutes . I would love this hug will last forever , I didn't want to leave the hug for once I felt safe . He had a nice smell , he smelled home and hot chocolate . It's surprising he's not the Russian vodka stereotypes , Soviet used to be like that but apparently it was his Ex boyfriend that loved hot chocolate a lot and now Russia does too . I don't see any arm about that , it's just cute .

"Canada ? " Someone calls my name and I hum in response .

"You okay ? I heard Russia saying you'll skip class . " Germany says .

"Yeah , I'm fine . " I lie .

"Mhm , I know when someone is lying . Come on answer correctly to my question , please . " Germany crosses his arms and raises an eyebow .

"Damnit , Germany ! " I reply and he chuckles .

"Hey , what's going on here ? " China comes in .

"Canada won't come to school today . " Germany replies .

"On a first day ? ! Nu uh , I'm not buying it . Get out , lazy ass . " China says .

"Bro stop being Asian . " Germany replies .

"That's so racist . . . " I say .

"Don't worry it's normal , where's Russia ? " China asked .

"Did you search in the garden ? " Germany asks .

"Yeah, I search everywhere . "

"Did you dig into the ground ? "

". . . "

"GERMANY , WHAT THE ACTUAL FU─ ? ! " China yells .

( I love this joke (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵) . )

"Hey guys , what's going on ? " Russia interrupts us .

"THANKS GOD , YOU'RE OKAY ! " China yells again and run to Russia , hugging him tightly .

"Uhhm. . . Chto blyad' ? " Russia asks .

"Language . " Germany replies .

"Dude , China just said a bad word earlier . " I say .

"Yeah but he's too Asian , he'll be angry because he's the 'dad' here . " Germany answers .

"Daddy ? " Russia says as his eyes lit up .

"AYO . . " I replies .

"What ? It's official that he dates my father , stoopid . " Russia side eyes me .

"Right , Sorry . " I apologize .

"WHAT , NO ! " China yells frustrated .

"Yes , little slut now . . SHUT THE FUCK OFF ! " Russia yells back .

"Slut ? ?. . . " I reply .

"Yeah anyway , . . I made this for you ! " Russia smile and hand it to me .

It was a bowl full of malpe syrup , LITTERLY FULL OF MAPLE SYRUP ! ! !


. . .


The bowl of maple syrup was an idea from a comment .
Thanks for the idea , sorry to take so long . I got a busy life ╥﹏╥

Love y'all , have a nice day !

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