Operation Fake Boyfriend Is A Go!

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A/N: 2nd chapter this month, here we go! This time we move away from our school setting. It's not often we do this, so it feels extra special. I don't have much else to say, so let's begin.

The same as most days, Naoto and Y/N are sketching from their random assortment of items.

Y/N: A peaceful day. Perhaps their plan worked faster than intended. Well, it has been a few days. Just glad they're out of the club room.

Coming back for the usual, a wild Nagatoro appears.

Nagatoro: "'Sup, Senapis?"

Naoto: "'Sup?"

Y/N: "Welcome. Don't touch anything, or whatever."

Nagatoro: He's oddly listless today. Oh well.

She enters the room and sits down on the couch. Around that time, Naoto and Y/N noticed something they hadn't seen before.

Y/N: Has she always had her ears pierced? Oh right, she has that metallic piece in her right ear.

Nagatoro: "Ah, you're drawing lame stuff again."

Y/N: "Art can come from anything. Also, nice piercing." I wonder if Vecchio would enjoy something like that? Not that she has her ears pierced. 

Nagatoro: "Oh, this?" *She parts her hair* "What do you think, Senpais?"

Y/N: "Simple but effective. The best type."

Nagatoro: "Senpai?"

Naoto: "A-Ah." *He blushes a deep red* "I-It looks good."

Nagatoro: *She giggles and smiles* "Thanks, Senpai."

Y/N: If wasn't already obvious. Those two normies. Good for them.

Nagatoro: "I haven't had anything in lately, and the pierce started healing."

She reaches into her bag and takes out something.

Nagatoro: "I reopened it with this."

Naoto: "That must've hurt."

Nagatoro: "It didn't hurt at all! A little prick, maybe."

Y/N: A clean cut through flesh with no nerves hurts a lot less than people think.

Nagatoro: Wait a second! This is my chance to give them a little scare.

She slowly approaches Naoto with a strange smile.

Naoto: "Wh-What?"

Nagatoro: "Want to try getting your ears pierced, Senpai?"

Naoto lets out a yelp.

Nagatoro: "Are you afraid of pain?"

Naoto: "No, it's not about the pain. It'd be weird if someone like me suddenly got an earring!"

Y/N: "Agreed. Trying to imagine someone like Naoto with earrings is unnatural."

He and Nagatoro think of Naoto with a single red earring.

Nagatoro: *She laughs* "I don't know what you're talking about, Death Senpai. Senpai having an earring wouldn't be weird at all." *She leans in* "But if you're embarrassed, why not only wear it in the club room."

Y/N: Why is she whispering? There's no one else here, it's only us. Is she stupid or something?

Nagatoro: "We could have matching earrings."

Naoto blushes before genuinely considering it. He sees himself drawing with Nagatoro at his side. Both have matching right earrings.

Nagatoro: *She moves the piercer closer* "Well?" That wasn't a no! *She holds onto Naoto* "Don't move or you'll get hurt."

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