Where Am I?

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~Lucys POV~

I woke up to the smell of heaven. Well, not literally heaven but if heaven had a smell, this scent would be heaven...I should stop talking now.

I raise my head and inhale, the smell of pancakes and bacon filling my nose.

I don't remember going down to the market to buy ingredients.....

Memories of last night, well I think it was last night, flooded my mind. I remember now , I was about to go to bed when I was tied up and blindfolded.

The man with the familiar voice carried me here.

I sat up and looked around my surroundings, this is definitely not my house. The room I was in was painted a light blue, the curtains yellow. In the corner of the room was a huge wardrobe with a mirror on it. The bed I was sleeping on was also yellow, to match the curtains. Beside the bed it had a small dresser with a lamp and an alarm clock on it.

It was 7:49am

The room had a gigantic window and from outside I could see a lot of trees, there was no village or house in sight. My kidnapper planned this all out, he doesn't want anyone to find me. What does he want to do to me?

Silent tears left my face as I stood up quickly, I looked down at myself and saw that I was still wearing my clothes. I let out a cry of relief, I was still in my pyjamas, my red shorts and my white t-shirt.

At least I know I still have my virginity.

I walked over towards the wardrobe in the corner of my room to look at my appearance. I still looked the same, my hair was just a bit messy from sleeping and the bags underneath my eyes have disappeared.

How long was I sleeping?

Chancing it, I walked over towards the wardrobe and slowly opened the wardrobe doors to see it was filled with clothes, nice clothes actually. I ran my fingers over the different fabrics and colours, the clothes were beautiful.

As I was about to close the doors, a small note caught my eyes. On the inner door of the wardrobe was a small yellow post-it note. I reached my hand out and took the note seeing that it had kind of fancy writing written on it.

My dearest Lucy,

Every piece of clothing on this wardrobe is all yours, I had a special friend to choose everything for you. You can find pyjamas and... girls stuff in your dresser beside your bed.

Mmhh...at least I get some free clothes out of all this.I shouldn't be thinking like this,I need to get out.

I closed the wardrobe doors and looked over at the door of the room. Would it be locked?

I walked over towards the door as quietly as I could and inspected the door. It was also yellow and it was wooden, hopefully I would be able to break it down with the help of my keys.

I inwardly cheered and put my hand on my hip where my belt was situated but I didn't feel the familiar metal. I felt nothing.

Quickly I looked down and saw that my belt was still on but my keys have disappeared. A small stream of tears rolled down my cheeks and I dropped to the floor sobbing.

If I wanted to escape, I could, but I wouldn't have the strength without my keys.

I looked over at the window that was in the room as well, I could easily break it with the lamp and escape, but I dont want to run away and leave my keys behind.

When I get a hold of my keys I'll run away.

Slowly I picked myself up and looked out the window. This place was surrounded by trees, I wouldn't know how to get back.

If I get a hold of my keys, I could use Crux to tell me where I am, and how to get back home.

That's my plan.

Or maybe Natsu will find me.

I wiped the dried tears from my face and I became silent as i heard a humming from downstairs.

The tune was familiar, I think I heard Mira sing it before at the guild.

I carefully turned the door knob on the door and surprisingly it wasn't locked.

When I walked outside I could see that this house had three floors. A stairs leading downstairs. This floor and the Attic. Maybe there's a basement too?

I looked around the second floor to see three rooms. The walpapers colour was a light orange. In the room beside mine was the bathroom, it had a huge bath with a shower.

And beside the bathroom was a room that's was locked and it had 'KEEP OUT' written on the door. It was a black door and was indeed very mysterious.

Maybe that's my kidnappers room?

As quietly as I could I walked down the stairs towards the humming, making sure one of the steps doesn't creak.

I saw that there were two doors downstairs, only one of these doors were open and that was the kitchen, that's where the beautiful smell of pancakes and bacon came from.

By instinct my stomach growled and my mouth watered, I dont know when the last time I ate was because I dont know how long I slept for.

I peered myself into the kitchen and seen there was a medium sized table filled with bacon, pancakes and all different types of chopped fruit.

The humming continued and I peered my head in even further to see a very familiar face making pancakes.

Over in the corner was a man with black and white hair, the same black lips and those piercing red eyes.

I covered my mouth with my two hands to prevent myself from screaming. I-I thought he was still in jail

There stood Midnight from the oracion seis.

Hey guys sorry for the slow updates recently, I've had major writers block and I haven't been getting inspiration.
But...I talked to some people and got lots and lots and lots of ideas.
Make sure you vote and leave a comment, I'd love some feedback.

Sorry that this chapter wasn't as interesting. This chapter was to describe the house and Lucy finding out who her kidnapper is. Someone suggested that midnight should bring her back to her old mansion but I went against it because its too close to Fairy tail and honestly people(dragon slayers) would find her easily.


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